New Grower My First Grow. Finally. Feedback appreciated!

Oh, and as usual, I tested a bit of runoff from Violet’s pot. PH is 5.8, better than last time but still low. PPM is 1117, compared to 1574 last time. At this point I’m not worrying about this at all, as she’s doing great. The lower PH in the runoff does make me think I don’t need to worry about PH downing the 6.8 spring water to 6.4 or so though. Will continue to monitor.
This baby girl on Day 18 is just not fuckin’ around. Her growth is in overdrive for sure, and I have a feeling I’ll just continue to be amazed at watching my first born grow and hopefully blossom.

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LST is challenging because she’s just so stout
, but I’m tucking and opening where I can. Basically leaving her alone most of the time though.

Watered all three babies with 6.8 spring again, only additive is a small pinch of yucca powder. @WildBill, weird newb question, but the next time you add yucca to your water, would you be willing to post a pic here of how soapy it looks? I went easy for my first time today, and I think I probably went too easy. I think I’m starting to understand when my girls need agua.

Here are my Fast Buds Northern Lights babies Johanna and Klara (named after the girls in First Aid Kit, and excellent Swedish folk band, check out “Emmylou” and “Tiger Mountain Song” and you’ll know if you like them), on Day 8. They’re about like Violet at that age, so so far, no concerns.

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An observation: I’ve been smoking cannabis since 1991, and since then I’ve railed many times on how fucked up it is that governments think they can illegalize a plant. But that gains new meaning when you actually grow for the first time. I’m watching and helping life form, grow, and hopefully thrive. This is natural, pure, and good. Thinking that mankind can override nature through anti-cannabis legislation isn’t just wrong. It’s fucking unholy.

Happy Sunday, new friends. Onward and upward!
So the big one is having a touch of N toxicity. If you notice the “clawed” or downturned tips that’s a tell tale sign of N tox. It’s not the worst and she will grow out of it. But if you notice some slowish growth that could be the culprit. Nothing you can really do because it’s organic. This is just a FYI on what @Mañ'O'Green was sayin with the soil bein too hot. They look great and the little one looks healthy af. Keep up the good work!
So the big one is having a touch of N toxicity. If you notice the “clawed” or downturned tips that’s a tell tale sign of N tox. It’s not the worst and she will grow out of it. But if you notice some slowish growth that could be the culprit. Nothing you can really do because it’s organic. This is just a FYI on what @Mañ'O'Green was sayin with the soil bein too hot. They look great and the little one looks healthy af. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! I wondered if that was a sign of deficiency or toxicity, or if it was just because those leaves are new and growing so fast, and that maybe they’d straighten out. Will be interesting to see how she progresses.

I think I’m going to switch to Bio365 BioAll soil for my future grows.
Shoot the Bio365 guys an email about their soils. They might recommend you a different one. I think I would go with BioFlower. I'm pretty sure they recommend it as a water only with minimal feeding, maybe once in flower. I bet you could get away with just water and a couple things like humic/fulvic, kelp, mykos, molasses.

From an email I sent them:

BIOALL has enough nutrient to get through a veg cycle without feeding. Then starting in flowering, you'd feed as directed by your flowering fertilizer of choice. In reality, the biological and chemical buffers in BIOALL probably allows you to cut your flowering feeding back to about 80% of recommended but you can keep it at 100% if you prefer.

If you want to grow all the way through in one soil with minimum of supplemental feeding, BIOBLOOM or BIOFLOWER are the way to go. BIOFLOWER is a little more forgiving / has a wider sweet spot but BLOOM has just a little bit more air-filled porosity and so, when you get it totally dialed, allows you to push the plant just a little bit more than BIOFLOWER.

With both of them, it's possible to grow water only all the way through but the plant won't be maxxed. Again, if you want to push the plant, you'd feed at 1/4 strength of fertilizer recommendation throughout the cycle.

EDIT: They aren't carried anywhere near me so i'd have to order online. NEhydro carries their stuff.

EDIT2: Soil is about $20 and it looks like shipping is $20-25 for a single bag. $50 for a bag? Not terrible since I paid the same for BioBizz LightMix off Amazon. However, you may want to find something similar available near you or try buildasoil @Proph recommends their stuff heartily. Might cost the same or less for a definitive "water only" organic living soil.
Shoot the Bio365 guys an email about their soils. They might recommend you a different one. I think I would go with BioFlower. I'm pretty sure they recommend it as a water only with minimal feeding, maybe once in flower. I bet you could get away with just water and a couple things like humic/fulvic, kelp, mykos, molasses.

From an email I sent them:

BIOALL has enough nutrient to get through a veg cycle without feeding. Then starting in flowering, you'd feed as directed by your flowering fertilizer of choice. In reality, the biological and chemical buffers in BIOALL probably allows you to cut your flowering feeding back to about 80% of recommended but you can keep it at 100% if you prefer.

If you want to grow all the way through in one soil with minimum of supplemental feeding, BIOBLOOM or BIOFLOWER are the way to go. BIOFLOWER is a little more forgiving / has a wider sweet spot but BLOOM has just a little bit more air-filled porosity and so, when you get it totally dialed, allows you to push the plant just a little bit more than BIOFLOWER.

With both of them, it's possible to grow water only all the way through but the plant won't be maxxed. Again, if you want to push the plant, you'd feed at 1/4 strength of fertilizer recommendation throughout the cycle.
Thanks! I may do that, but I also find it appealing to simply follow @FullDuplex’s lead on BIOALL. I’ve learned so much from him from podcasts and other resources and his girls always look so amazing. Sure seems to be working amazingly for his autos.
Shoot the Bio365 guys an email about their soils. They might recommend you a different one. I think I would go with BioFlower. I'm pretty sure they recommend it as a water only with minimal feeding, maybe once in flower. I bet you could get away with just water and a couple things like humic/fulvic, kelp, mykos, molasses.

From an email I sent them:

BIOALL has enough nutrient to get through a veg cycle without feeding. Then starting in flowering, you'd feed as directed by your flowering fertilizer of choice. In reality, the biological and chemical buffers in BIOALL probably allows you to cut your flowering feeding back to about 80% of recommended but you can keep it at 100% if you prefer.

If you want to grow all the way through in one soil with minimum of supplemental feeding, BIOBLOOM or BIOFLOWER are the way to go. BIOFLOWER is a little more forgiving / has a wider sweet spot but BLOOM has just a little bit more air-filled porosity and so, when you get it totally dialed, allows you to push the plant just a little bit more than BIOFLOWER.

With both of them, it's possible to grow water only all the way through but the plant won't be maxxed. Again, if you want to push the plant, you'd feed at 1/4 strength of fertilizer recommendation throughout the cycle.

EDIT: They aren't carried anywhere near me so i'd have to order online. NEhydro carries their stuff.

EDIT2: Soil is about $20 and it looks like shipping is $20-25 for a single bag. $50 for a bag? Not terrible since I paid the same for BioBizz LightMix off Amazon. However, you may want to find something similar available near you or try buildasoil @Proph recommends their stuff heartily. Might cost the same or less for a definitive "water only" organic living soil.
free shipping over $100 orders, make it count.
Shoot the Bio365 guys an email about their soils. They might recommend you a different one. I think I would go with BioFlower. I'm pretty sure they recommend it as a water only with minimal feeding, maybe once in flower. I bet you could get away with just water and a couple things like humic/fulvic, kelp, mykos, molasses.

From an email I sent them:

BIOALL has enough nutrient to get through a veg cycle without feeding. Then starting in flowering, you'd feed as directed by your flowering fertilizer of choice. In reality, the biological and chemical buffers in BIOALL probably allows you to cut your flowering feeding back to about 80% of recommended but you can keep it at 100% if you prefer.

If you want to grow all the way through in one soil with minimum of supplemental feeding, BIOBLOOM or BIOFLOWER are the way to go. BIOFLOWER is a little more forgiving / has a wider sweet spot but BLOOM has just a little bit more air-filled porosity and so, when you get it totally dialed, allows you to push the plant just a little bit more than BIOFLOWER.

With both of them, it's possible to grow water only all the way through but the plant won't be maxxed. Again, if you want to push the plant, you'd feed at 1/4 strength of fertilizer recommendation throughout the cycle.

EDIT: They aren't carried anywhere near me so i'd have to order online. NEhydro carries their stuff.

EDIT2: Soil is about $20 and it looks like shipping is $20-25 for a single bag. $50 for a bag? Not terrible since I paid the same for BioBizz LightMix off Amazon. However, you may want to find something similar available near you or try buildasoil @Proph recommends their stuff heartily. Might cost the same or less for a definitive "water only" organic living soil.
Thanks again! Love the feedback. I will be able to buy their products at a grow shop.

Full Fuplex uses BioAll and then top dresses with KIS Organics nutrient pack each week when his plants show sex. After growing in a hot medium and having some issues from it, I think I want to try starting in something cooler and add some nutes when needed. He said it’s been perfect. Might give has approach a shot next go-round.
free shipping over $100 orders, make it count.
Fortunately I won’t need to have anything shipped, I don’t think. (And their free shipping doesn’t apply to mediums, btw.) They distribute to a shop in a town I will be passing through in a week or so, and where I pass through with some regularity, so as long as they have Bio365 in stock, I should be good.