Indoor My durty grow

SS, you've just got that gift my friend, Your one hell of a grower. lovely girls as always. +Rep

well Rep in my heart man, they won't let me give ya any more love yet! your just too good
LOL brother, why did you hide those gorgeous girls from us last week :drool:
Stunning :kiss:+rep

Great looking plants :bow:
You have done those plants proud, love the color.

Stunted Dragon
Thanks so much everyone for the rep and the likes . I have to say I am a little disappointed that I messed up the soil mix with these dragons I know if my ph wasn't in the low 5s they would be allot bigger but I am just amazed that they grew as well as they did with what they went through when I read wiz plants are hardy plants I had no idea they would do as well as they have with the conditions . But I am more then happy with what I get from them they are the most beautiful plant I've grown photo or auto . So that being said I am clearing out my office which is like 8x8 or so and with allot of ass kissing my g/f gave me the ok to convert it to our auto room I can probably run 25 autos or so . I am going to add a 600 hps to my 400 and t5 and some t5 wall lighting . I'm also going to do a few DWC trials so keep an eye out things will be getting big I have a dhit ton of strains on the way , magic dragon , purple kush , sour diesel haze , pineapple express , auto anthesia , cream mandarin , big devil xl , auto skunk , SAD , and more I just forgot till next time :bong:
They look great SS, I feel the same way about mine, some problems in the beginning kept them from getting a nice size. But I made seeds and very much looking for a do over.

8x8 auto room, :drool: you lucky dog! I'm looking forward to your DWC grow and all those bad ass strains you got coming. I've been wanting some SDH ever since I heard about it.
Thats what I am talking about my friend! Everyone should have there own personal jungle!
thanks fellas
jackal i to am very excited for the SDH i love anything sour diesel and i love some haze so i am drooling at night thinking about this one .
hell yeah dubv i eventually would like to do away with pro mix as its becoming a pain in the ass to have to deal with the dirty mess and storing bails of pro mix , i have some shoulder problems from work and a spearfishing injury so lifting the bails sucks , but i have plenty of free time right now as i can't work with my shoulder fucked up so i can be very dedicated to DWC i can't wait all the carpet is coming up tomorrow and the windows sealed up should be ready by next weekend or so ill have my jungle soon .
Oh i took down a cheese tonight i would have took pics but i broke my memory card last night but holy shit this stuff is super dank rock hard nugs about 25% amber very smelly and super frosty probably the frostiest yet and i pollinated it with a durty dragon and i got about 40 seeds out of a lower branch about 30 look viable so I'm stoked ill get some pics tomorrow have a good night everyone
well i am going to have to put the office off for a few weeks as i had some car issues i have to take care of first but ill just germ a bunch of seeds so they are already two weeks along when i get the money to set it up . heres a few more durty shots i took tonight when i watered they have been getting plain water for a few days now i think they are around 70 days or so







And my outdoor giggle juice they smell soooooo good by far the best smelling plant i have grown yet my nose can't get enough they only get about 6 hours of direct light a day



check out my mutant NLxBB auto she one side of her has a bunch of leaves that look like this
Absolutely beautiful, dude! :dance: