thanks fellas
jackal i to am very excited for the SDH i love anything sour diesel and i love some haze so i am drooling at night thinking about this one .
hell yeah dubv i eventually would like to do away with pro mix as its becoming a pain in the ass to have to deal with the dirty mess and storing bails of pro mix , i have some shoulder problems from work and a spearfishing injury so lifting the bails sucks , but i have plenty of free time right now as i can't work with my shoulder fucked up so i can be very dedicated to DWC i can't wait all the carpet is coming up tomorrow and the windows sealed up should be ready by next weekend or so ill have my jungle soon .
Oh i took down a cheese tonight i would have took pics but i broke my memory card last night but holy shit this stuff is super dank rock hard nugs about 25% amber very smelly and super frosty probably the frostiest yet and i pollinated it with a durty dragon and i got about 40 seeds out of a lower branch about 30 look viable so I'm stoked ill get some pics tomorrow have a good night everyone