Lighting My DIY COB Setup (in the making)...

my only other option is run 2 additional cobs like Citizen 1818's at 700mA and put them onto a Meanwell HLG 60H-C700 driver but as it only has an output of 100V i would need to 100% check that these 1818's will be run at that current and voltage...but they would give me the additional 10k lumens and bump my PPFD up to 1000...
That's 3 good plans you got there. It's funny how these things get you thinking!
Finished the light today and is in the tent all setup...waiting for those seedlings to pop the surface and make the most of the light...doesnt seem massive amounts brighter than the 250W MH i quickly compared it to but there is 8 COBs spreading the light all over the tent rather than one bright source so I think its going to do wonders...i will say the heat given off is minimal and i almost think the PC heatsinks could be used passively but I have turned the fans completely down on th controller...the artic coolers are silent even with 8 of them which is great.....tents at a nice 25oC without any extract vent and the heating on inside the house! I really think i will need a heater for light off periods and during the night....

The holders i originaly bought for cheap werent all that and none of the holes i drilled were big enough for the self tapping screws even though i drilled them half a mm larger than they were supposed to I ended up fixing the COB's on with kapton tape instead...they are on there solid and soldered the wire to them...was really happy when it all turned on the first time it was plugged in...driver and a few bits of wiring still need to be sorted out but its there....need to work out he best height to hang it at now as well! its around 25-30 inches from the plants not sure if it should be more or less :/





Site I love what you have done. Is there anything besides thermal tape holding the cobs?

It looks like you have done a good job setting this up but something we try to do here is make things as safe as possible. While that tape could last 10 years it's not something we like to showcase as a standard method of attachment. Thermal epoxy is a good solution for the more custom heatsinks.
unfortunately just the thermal paste and the tape at the planning on getting some smaller self tappers off ebay tonight to fit the actual holders during the the heatsinks just clip off easily it will take me a matter of minutes to fit the holders and properly secure the COB's :)

thanks though! hoping the mixure of 4000k 3070's and 3500k 3590's does the job on mate keeps telling me its a new drone for mobile growing :P
I completed my first grow with this light and I hit 1.36g/W on the lighting side of things...really happy with how the light time im hoping to improve my actually growing alongside but COB's are definitely the way forward!