Lighting My DIY COB Setup (in the making)...

Jun 14, 2016
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Just thought I would copy this over from another forum!

New on here and to growing really...started growing around 4/5 months ago with a small outdoor guerrilla grow after years of considering a expected slugs annihilated the whole crop! but then a friend allowed me to have a small indoor setup in his spare room...been growing under MH/HPS fixtures in a 0.8 x 0.8m tent but to cover it properly ive found the 250W just isnt enough to cover 4 small autos in there, but the heat from the 400W is just unreal.

So after some consideration I toy'd with the idea of investmenting in one larger or a few smaller LED fixtures to try and give the same quantity of light as the 400W HPS/MH but with a fraction of the heat. I was as usual nearly sold on buying a MARS Hydro light but after some research I wasnt entirely sold. Some people rant and rave about them being great yet others have said they are turd....then I came accross expensive brands which for me being a beginner decided against investing £600+ on an LED light....

Then I came accross someone commenting on how much better someone with MARS lights would do if they just invested in some COB's. This got me thinking and I decided to dive into it all and learned some serious amount about them and was sold within a couple of days. All I will say is the info that people on this forum and elsewhere have provided is just insane and I am thankful. I belong to a few car forums and my god the useless information people try to give to you is insane. My main thanks go to Growmau5 and Supra for the info and the calculators etc. You could rely on their information alone and be incredibly knowledgeable within a few hours.

Anyway onto the more interesting stuff i suppose! I wanted to build the whole light for under £250, but i think the total I have spent is in the region of around £300.

I initially went for Citizen COBs due to the price but after running the calculator the efficiencies were around 42% which weren't high enough for me to justify the cost. I looked into CREE COB's and they run much much more efficiently or I had just set something wrong with the Citizens in the calculator.

The setup im going for is...

4 No. CXA3070 4000k (£70 off ebay delivered)
4 No. CXB3590 3500k (£170 kingbrite included meanwell driver)
1 No. Meanwell H185-C700B
8 No. Artic Alpine 64 GT (£55 including heatsink)
Aluminium Angle incl. all cuts (£25 delivered)

This totalled around £320 delivered to my door, I already have wire, solder, heatshrink and bolts etc at mine from previous projects and car building so I didnt really factor them in...

This setup gave me 37,823 lumens over my 0.64m² / 7ft² which was around the same as what a 400W HPS would give, but at an efficiency circa 63%. This means our of the 200W drawn from the wall im only seeing around 76W of heat into the tent where as at a guess a 400W HPS would be giving me 260W. So I should see a dramatic reduction in heat into the tent and also maintain very similar light levels to the 400W light.

I believe it gave me a PPFD of around 752.33 (unless I calculated wrong).

I have also bought a few things that I hope safe guards my light but also is just a fancy few tricks. I bought a potentiometer to dim the light for seedlings and small plants. But I have also bought some temperature switches I intend on drilling and mounting inside the one of the LED heatsinks/CPU coolers. I bought a normally closed temp switch for 75°C, which I may up to 85°C if anyone has any advice. So this will be mounted in the heatsink of one COB, probably the 3070 as I expect them to run hotter due to being the smaller COB. If this rises to above 75°C the switch opens and breaks the circuit cutting power to the driver. This is more of a failsafe if the fans have stopped working on the CPU coolers and incase a fire starts. The set point of 75°C may be too low so any advice would be appreciated. I dont intend on the COB's ever getting this hot being actively cooled.

The other temp switch is a normally open switch, and when the temperature of the LED is below say 40°C the switch will stay open, when it goes above 45°C the switch will close, allowing power to run through the fans on the CPU coolers. So most of the time im hoping the CPU coolers will run passively and the fans will only run when required to, very small power saving but also for noise. Has anyone integrated some form of controls like this before and is it actually worth it? The switches only cost a couple of pounds each.

Anyway onto some photos of the bits that have arrived and a basic layout I drew on autocad. Any suggestions or advice is always welcome! I expect to run the CXB3590 COB's in 4 corners and put the CXA3070 4000K on the middle 4. Would that layout be a good one to go for? Im not sure how the 4000K will differ from the 3500K but I will be using the light to veg and flower.







Since the original purchasing I have bought some AM3 motherboard brackets to run attach the Heatsinks to the frame which will allow for quick removal of them...they were £1 each, and I have bought some of the cheaper 2 peice COB holders for I believe around £1 each as I have upped the cost of the build slightly but I believe the little things will give it a nice touch and not as much of a bodge job...


I will update as the build continues!
Hey man great write up and welcome to Afn!

Your right about the lights and really did make the best decision by going with cobs. Cobs are just a bunch of efficient leds in a small space vs a bunch of efficient leds in a large space.

I'll have to catch up soon on the rest of the build but from a quick glance you did a fantastic job.
thanks! ive only done 2 grows so far so im pretty new to it all, but this builds been driven by the sheer amount of heat given off from a HPS/MH light that i can really do without!

i have to run a 250W light in my 0.8x0.8 tent with a 5" fan and the temps are kept respectable and around 26/27°C but my issue is that the 250W light barely seems to cover 4 small hoping with this COB i can cover the entire tent have good coverage and some slightly larger plants in there without sacrificing the heat for light....from the calculations its going to give me the same output as a 400W hid but with a better spread and hopefully more usable wavelengths of light etc...

Are you using COB's to grow at the moment? If so how do you think they compare? From a bit of googling/youtube people are easily getting buds as dense and the same quality to traditional HID setups which made me stay clear of MAR's lights unfortunately...i couldnt justify the 2-300 pounds on one when they seem to get very mixed reviews in comparison to the COB's...

I have constructed the entire frame and drilled my heatsinks so far I just need to attach the COB's to the heatshinks and wire it all up...I have some additional photos I will upload tonight I think...I will also include my drilling template for my holders for people to use if they want it :)

Im moving at the end of Dec/Beginning of Jan so will have it up and running for then 100%. Im excited to see how it compares myself!
Some more photos of me constucting the frame and drilling the holes for the COB holders on my CPU heatsinks...I had to dig out my pillar drill from my shed which is covered in rust, still did the job and it was only a £50 jobby from B&Q a few years ago...I think the frame was a bit overkill but its surprisingly light considering how much is there...






I used these TE Connectivity Lumawise COB holders which I think worked out around 1 pound each. Possible cheaper. They seem to do the job and they provide all measurements for drilling the holes to fit for the different size COB's. I plan on using Kapton tape to secure the COB's then use these holders to guarantee they will be held on...







If anyone wants the template for the holders let me know and I can attach the PDF version to be printed onto A4...
Thank you, I'm in uk so easy to get, I need holders for clu048's and clu038's, I've found some for the 048 on rs components

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Thank you, I'm in uk so easy to get, I need holders for clu048's and clu038's, I've found some for the 048 on rs components

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i know they have Citizen CLL030/032 and CLL040/042 on their fitment list for sizing, not sure if that covers CLU048's etc but might be worth a try...can always measure them out and make sure the contacts are touching...i have a couple spare if you wanted me to send them to you for a test fit...they charge some stupid delivery on Mouser....

Beautiful! Keep posting pictures, please!! :drool:

will do! im gonna try finish it up over the next week or so, then will be starting my grow in january with the setup!
i know they have Citizen CLL030/032 and CLL040/042 on their fitment list for sizing, not sure if that covers CLU048's etc but might be worth a try...can always measure them out and make sure the contacts are touching...i have a couple spare if you wanted me to send them to you for a test fit...they charge some stupid delivery on Mouser....

That would be great if u could send me one to try out. What is the shipping cost on mouser?

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