Photography My current autos

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Hi folks,

Upon popular demand (actually it was only two people but I wanted to sound extra important) I've compiled some snaps of my current set of autos, and I'll add a bit of detail as I update:
Once the photo's are finished soon all the autos are being moved into the main tent but for now they're in:

1.2m Budbox
250w DS bulb in a Powerplant CFL hood (actually quite a good combo)
250w Red CFL vertically hung for side-penetration& extra heat on cold days.
4" Ruck/Rhino
6" clip-on fan that I modded to remove most of the grille (better airflow by miles).

On a 24/7 light regime

Temps stable between 24-28c, humidity variable with outside weather but between 25-61% so far. Normlly hangs around 40-50%.

For the girls we have:

2 x Big Buddha Automatics *organic*- 15ltr round pots (week 9 today)
1 x Big Buddha Automatic - 18ltr square pot (week 3 today)
1 x Big Buddha SAS - 18ltr square pot (week 3 today)
1 x Big Buddha Automatic - 37ltr airpot (week 1 today)
1 x Biodiesel mass - 1ltr airpot (week 1 today)
1 x Skunk mass - 1ltr airpot (week 1 today)

All germed in their final pots (usually I use the tissue method but lately I've opted for straight-to-pot to cut-out the transplant shock and it seems to better).

The automatics in the round pots are being grown organically in batmix and have just started being fed on my very own guano tea (vintage guano/seaweed/wormcasts/molasses/topmax/citric acid). The rest are in biobizz lightmix and are all being or going to be fed Plant Magic Soil nutrients (grow/bloom and boost). You'll see that oen of them has perfect vinyl leaves but the other looks hungry as shit. Simply a matter of one being bigger than the other but wlecome to fucking time-release nutrients :D

They're all in unadulterated soil except for the SAS which has added perlite because Buddha seeds reckon she likes an extra-airy soil mix.
Personally, I'd just like to throw bleach on her because I really don't feel good about this strain, but that's another story. ;)

For the 12hrs lights on that the main tent gets, the SAS & automatic that are in square pots go in there and spend the other 12 in the auto tent. The 7200k MH bulbs in the main tent are flippin good for reducing stretch in veg.

You'll see that I like my LST'ing, since none escape untrained :D. On a coupla snaps I've circled in red where I've removed a fan leaf early on to give instant light-access to the lower nodes, and in blue I've circled the new shoots that are going to turn into main colas later on as a result of the access to light and redirected hormones. Normally, they'd have just turned into little popcorn buds at best, energy suckers at worst. Training them this way early on and removing the big fan leaf might seem harsh on a youngling, but it really pays off in yield later on and you're almost certainly getting a fatter stem, too.

The 2 automatics in 15ltr round pots started off life under a 12/12 regime for reasons that I won't bore you with now, so they stretched qute a bit, but the LST'ing has helped open up almost all the nugs to light so they'll still give me a good 1-1.5oz each I reckon. They were just the beginning of a big experiment with autos so if I got a 1/4 off em I'd be happy.

Automatic & SAS in squre pots:


Automatic in the 37ltr airpot (just popped)


Biodiesel / Skunk mass experient in 1ltr airpots (1 popped 1 on the way)


Group shots:


So.. the overall plan is to:

- Finish off the organic automatics (approx 2-3 weeks) which is the organics + round pot experiment)

- Continue feeding the automatic and the SAS in square pots on mineral nutes (which is the square pot + mineral nutes experiment)

- Start feeding the automatic in the 37ltr airpot mineral nutes and monitor her size in there (the 1 big plant vs 2 smaller ones experiment)

- Once the main tent is free.. slap all but the 37ltr airpot grow under a kw of MH light and see what happens, keeping the big airpot grow in the auto tent.

I can't think of anything else right now.. in fact I'm too baked to think of anything period.. but if you have any questions feel free to fire em at me. ;)
If anyone can see any fundamental flaw in any of that you're welcome to say so. Having just sat there and read all that back to myelf I've just realised how much I've bitten off so let's just hope I can chew it, or you can all sit back and laugh your asses off at my gazillion headaches later on :D

Assuming you haven't already fallen asleep by this point in the thread.. thanks for reading.

...jk......very nice! all the details!!'ve got some fine ladies too!..i'm def. subbin bro!..:pop:...i love LSTing!!...when i do it...i just do it to make them like little bonsia trees......Mr.Miyagi style!...keep us updated..:thumbs:
What can I say? That's a fine exampe of the power of LST. When you look at a snap and can't quite work out which is the main stem you know you've done a good job on her. :clap:

I reckon you could easily halve the yield from that had you not done it. Also when you start adding up those popcorns on the lower levels you get another good few grams.

I'm a bit disappointed with my organic automatics but with half their life on 12/12 they're doing ok. They may not have a lot of bud on them, but what they do is have is coated in a sheet of white and rock hard. Mmmm... thc. :p

These are my current Anesthesias after a haircut and a couple of colas nipped off already cos I ran dry:


I really want to train a plant to go in a big spiral with loads of sub-colas coming off of it, but I reckon it'll take a good 10-12 weeks of veg/manicuring to get it there. So far the above is about the best I've managed with LST but I don't reckon it can be denied that's it well worth the effort.

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That's real nice BB, and good work getting all the details really:D
I'm along for the ride on this one...hopefully I'll pick up some good pointers on the airpots.
Are they really staying in 1ltr airpots? Be interesting to see the yield on them

Loving the LST mr.nicesmoke, I'm a big fan of it myself.
Cheers Smokey,

And yeah the biodiesel and skunk mass are staying in 1ltr pots till harvest. I, too, am interested to see what happens with those. Apparently, you can realistically aim for a plant three times the size of a non airpot grow, so in effect, a 1ltr airpot should act more like a 3ltr square pot. In a 3ltr pot.. what do you reckon an auto could yield on a good day.. half oz? Less / more? I'd be hoping for half a plant from a 3ltr square pot if groom conditions were good.

I dunno how feasible half oz is, but if you could do a SOG with little airpots I reckon you could get a respectable yield off of that. << That's all guesswork and wishful thinking by the way.

Lookin good BB, I would like to try some lst on the next grow that I do, your ladies are lookin really sexy! All the right curves in all the right places!
37 liter air pot. I would have dropped in dozen beans in that beast.
Sub'd. Lst'n is sexy as hell.
Lookin good BB, I would like to try some lst on the next grow that I do, your ladies are lookin really sexy! All the right curves in all the right places!
Ooh eer missus ;)

Cheers mate. You really should give it a go because it's well worth the effort in the end. It's amazing how quickly (hours sometimes) they start to bend back towards the light before you have to bend them over again.

Always happy to help if you need it at the time. :peace:

37 liter air pot. I would have dropped in dozen beans in that beast.
Sub'd. Lst'n is sexy as hell.

Cheers mate. And yeah that pot is a biggun. Hopefully it's gonna tell me lots about autos and airpots. Viva la experimente :D
In a 3ltr pot.. what do you reckon an auto could yield on a good day.. half oz? Less / more? I'd be hoping for half a plant from a 3ltr square pot if groom conditions were good.

I dunno how feasible half oz is, but if you could do a SOG with little airpots I reckon you could get a respectable yield off of that. << That's all guesswork and wishful thinking by the way.

I don't think 1/2oz is asking too much...maybe a bit more if you get round your nute issues
My airpots haven't got off the ground yet. Haven't transplanted to them yet and I had to bring the dragons indoors anyway thanks too the utterly shite and unpredictable weather...snow! in April! WTF can follow it hear when it gets going if you so please
This thread is for the grow I've got going already with my mate Grey Donkey over at his gaff but I'll be posting my outdoor airpot grow on there too