Indoor My Auto Bubble and Auto Bomb

Does anyone have an idea on how long i got left on the bubble? :smokebuds:
these are the pic that should be in BOM they look so much better 60 days is very fast for an auto
try and look at the time vs yield
say if the strain takes 8 weeks at 30g or 12 weeks with 45g its yield is about the same vs time (if i got that right)
1-2 weeks on the other one i think

+ rep
these are the pic that should be in BOM they look so much better 60 days is very fast for an auto

+ rep
Do you meen the Bomb pics or the new Auto Bubble pics If you meen the bubble what pic is better?
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either as they both look more mature and fatter now
This pic for oct POM
bubble60day (10).jpg
Or this one?
bubble 55day (3).jpg
either one woud be good.

and congratulations on making it this month!

i will be flipping a coin and let you know which pic i like. (they both looooook sooooooo good.)

:flipping a nickel:

use the 2nd pic.
Wphew!!!! Tough one, but I think that the first one looks fatter!!!
The first one is a pic from last nice so glad you can tell its fatter :D:D:smokebuds:
either one woud be good.

and congratulations on making it this month!

i will be flipping a coin and let you know which pic i like. (they both looooook sooooooo good.)

:flipping a nickel:

use the 2nd pic.

Thxs Herbal.ex :smokebuds::smokebuds: