Indoor My Auto Bubble and Auto Bomb

Then just use some small cardboard boxes, Si. Crumple up some newspaper in there too so the don't shake around during all the stress.
If ypou don't have "small" boxes, just cut something out of a larger box and tape it up, make your own small box(es). Easy Peasy.
Thx you both Noods and RedEye think ill go with the make my own boxes lol my ****** account is messed up at the min so ebay is off limits :smokebuds:
A dresser drawer would work if you shred up newspaper and put one layer paper then bud then more paper ect.... Just open the drawer and flip the buds every once in a while
Whats wrong with my Auto Bomb?

Sup Everyone just a question regarding my Bomb.. Just been to check on my ladies and give them a feed and check them over and usual by now they are hungrey.. The auto bubble is hungrey and needs a feed but the Auto Bomb Is as wet as she was a day and a half ago!! Why is she not uptaking much water? Also the top leaves have curled over compleatly now they look like blunts lol Any suggestions?

I will update both with pics tonight :smokebuds::peace: Si
8 week update (day 55)

Sup everyone my girls are at 8wks now and both girls smell realy strong..
The Bomb seems to not be drinking much water and still has quite airy buds, Where as the Bubble seems to have dense buds and very frosty.. Enjoy the pics guys and gals:peace: Si

Auto Bomb

55daybomb (5).jpg 55daybomb (4).jpg 55daybomb (3).jpg 55daybomb (2).jpg 55daybomb.jpg

Auto Bubble

bubble 55day.jpg bubble 55day (2).jpg bubble 55day (5).jpg bubble 55day (7).jpg bubble 55day (8).jpg bubble 55day (9).jpgbubble 55day (10).jpg bubble 55day (11).jpg bubble 55day (12).jpg bubble 55day (13).jpg bubble 55day (3).jpg
sup si.

this plants are looking great.

i see what you mean about the "blunt" curled leafs. -- have you tried using it as one and roll?
How tall are they and is this the Nirvana Bubblicious?
they look far better this week
swelling up nice they look more dense than last week
at week 9 they could be ready but they may go 10 but we will see
How tall are they and is this the Nirvana Bubblicious?

If you read a few pages back i put the height of them both on 4days ago.. I think the Auto bubble is around 80cm and the Bomb 62cm .. And no its just Auto Bubble by Female seeds

sup si.

this plants are looking great.

i see what you mean about the "blunt" curled leafs. -- have you tried using it as one and roll?

sup Herbal, and :crying::crying: ive not but if there full of enougth trich i might :crying::crying:

they look far better this week
swelling up nice they look more dense than last week
at week 9 they could be ready but they may go 10 but we will see

Thx for staopping by mate and yeh there fattening up more but the Bomb still seems rather Airy buds And were at exacaly 8 weeks tomorrow so see how they look one week today im realy excited about harvesting these two and id be happy with 30g dry of each but im not too sure.... I would of thought id get more as i took 51g from my MI5 lol