Indoor My Auto Bubble and Auto Bomb

Ima keep watching for the results. Bro, I have been growing in a box for 2 years now, and gets real annoying not being able to let them soar ya know. I gotta keep em tied down. Found out, when I was talking to my girl about getting a tent, she said hell no, come to find out she thought it was for outside growing. She is a fool sometimes, but I wouldnt want it any other way. So now, I am upgrading to a tent in a few weeks..Sorry for switching up the idea of your thread, my bad. Peace and one to ya.
lmao for the garden lmao :crying: no worries your welcome any time to my threads :peace: Si
Wow Si they are looking very very healthy and happy and frosty too!

Stunted Bubble
Wow Si they are looking very very healthy and happy and frosty too!

Stunted Bubble
thx mate im realy excited never seen such frostyness in person before and i just know the bubble is going to be a hell of alot more frost near the end :peace: Si
[video=youtube;_mTUMmJBXDw][/video] me too!:drool: