Dinafem My 2nd Fruit Auto and Critical +


Cultivators Club
Feb 16, 2019
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@Dinafem-Mark I am growing Fruit Auto again! I know it is not the most popular strain but it was my first success grown plant and the fact that it tastes lovely, I can't help but wanting to keep growing this for my regular stash :biggrin: Also am growing Critical + at the same time, which is only 4 days behind the Fruit Auto so I decide to group them together in the same post. These two will be using the last bit of BioTabs I have got and we shall wait and see how they turn out!

- 11L fabric pot (they both are)
- BioBizz Light Mix
- 120 x 60 x 150 grow tent
- Hipargero 450w COB and Kingbo 300w Led Light as well
- 2 monkey fan
- Rhino Hobby Carbon Filter + 4'' extraction fan
- BioTabs Starter Kit with Boom Boom Spray

20/4 light. Temperature is between 22C-28C,RH is 45, every now and again it is 50- 65% but mostly stays on 45% mark.

Popped the seeds into a shot glass with 4ml/L Canna Rhizotonic and soaked in for 7 hours. Then put the seeds into the coco pellets.

The Fruit Auto didn't have a good start and made me worry a bit but as of today, in day 13, she is all healthy!

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Day 13.jpg
hi @Trooperwife your growing a lot of girls give me a tag now and again especially on your CBD kush i follow that many grows i get lost
Day 21 for Fruit Auto and day 17 for Critical + - Water both every other day and Boom Boom Spray every other day as well. They both have been topped on the 4th node, and looking good! Will do some LST later!
Day 17.jpg

Fruit Auto
Day 21.jpg
Day 27 for Fruit Auto and day 23 for Critical + - Water every other day with about 500ml water and 5ml/L Boom Boom Spray. They are both in pre-flower and response well to LST. So far so good, finger crossed all the way until harvest! I really miss my Fruit :smoking:

Critical + (Day 18-23)

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Day 23.jpg

Fruit Auto (day 22 - 27)

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Day 27.jpg


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Day 27 for Fruit Auto and day 23 for Critical + - Water every other day with about 500ml water and 5ml/L Boom Boom Spray. They are both in pre-flower and response well to LST. So far so good, finger crossed all the way until harvest! I really miss my Fruit :smoking:

Critical + (Day 18-23)

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Fruit Auto (day 22 - 27)

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You look to be off to a flying start with our Fruit Auto and Critical+ :thumbsup:

Things look great so far :pass:

Fruit Auto may not be our most popular strain but she's still an amazing little auto that produces some Fire end product :pass:

Best of luck with the grow buddy and with all Dinafem grows in the AFN I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest :cheers:

All the best :bong:

You look to be off to a flying start with our Fruit Auto and Critical+ :thumbsup:

Things look great so far :pass:

Fruit Auto may not be our most popular strain but she's still an amazing little auto that produces some Fire end product :pass:

Best of luck with the grow buddy and with all Dinafem grows in the AFN I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest :cheers:

All the best :bong:

The Fruit Auto was my first ever grown plant, from seed to harvest, I do have some sort of affection about it and considered it gave me 56g, there is not much more I can ask for. I am hooked with the smell and effect by it, not too strong for me but calm and relax!

So far, the Fruit Auto and Critical + are doing fine, so please with them. As usual, finger crossed all the way until harvest!
Both Fruit Auto and Critical + are looking healthy, they are topped at 4th node. Defoliated a little, following BioTabs instruction, and water them 600ml every other day.

Fruit Auto (Day 29 - 36)
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Critical + (Day 25 - 32)

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Looking spot on my friend :thumbsup:

That early training work is now starting to pay off :pass:

Well played :cheers:

All the best :bong:
