Dinafem Multi Dina Auto grows in Sunshinemix

What are you talking about? You did gets sponsored seeds by Mark, did ya? What strains did u get from Mark?

Yes the cheese is. The last I talked to you, you said that it was too late to jump in the first leg of the comp and to "rest up" for the 2nd leg. The seeds just landed and into the towel they went. If either plant qualifies for the germination time , well then hell yea lets dooo it ! I was holding that spot in my tent for a long time just for them. Blue Kush Auto and Cheese XXL auto just arrived from Mark so far. Critical +2.0 and OG Kush still on the way.
Between the sponsored seeds and the seeds still on the way from winning best picture thread there will be no shortage of dinafems around here for a long time. So no worries on that front m8. Dinafems pretty much owns 3/4's of my tent for the next year or so with the exception a few terrestrial beans that are coming over soon to play with them.

Nice job so far @MesaBoogie big dinafem fan here. Ive grown both those strains and love them especially cheese xxl

Hi Woody, thanks for jumping in. Lots of comfy chairs around here. I'm super excited for all the dina's, every strain gets nothing but great reviews.

Oh wrestling and tying you will be

Don't you worry buddy, I got some moves !

Where are your uploads into Biggest Battle thread then?


Yes, i said so and why you did germ sponsored battle seeds though? Your too late for germ pic and will not finish in battle date?

OMG I am super confused and quite frankly getting pretty frustrated. You need to clearly state what it is you want from me at this point. On Thursday you said and I quote " Canadian Growers are out for leg1, rest up for leg2". And I thought at that point it was a good idea because we are like 20 days behind at this point. The mail came later in the day for me and at least one other Canadian that I have seen. Pretty hard to keep track in such a huge grow thread. So I started the seedling late Thursday to contribute a grow journal. I thought that was the least I could do. I mentioned this to you thursday in a PM and you gave me the Thumbs up.

"Why did a germ a sponsored seed ?" Because like I mentioned earlier I have a lot of Dina's on the way right now from winning the best picture thread. What does it matter what seed I use, all dina' auto's are eligible. And they are currently the only dina's I have. I used one instead of planting another brand to get something started in my tent.

So if you want me to put my seedling pic in the big thread, then I'm down. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

If you want me benched because the Canadians are 20 days behind I am fine with that too. But Pls Don't ask me where are my pics in the big thread, like I did something wrong, because you said to "wait".
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OMG I am super confused and quite frankly getting pretty frustrated. You need to clearly state what it is you want from me at this point. On Thursday you said and I quote " Canadian Growers are out for leg1, rest up for leg2". And I thought at that point it was a good idea because we are like 20 days behind at this point. The mail came later in the day for me and at least one other Canadian that I have seen. Pretty hard to keep track in such a huge grow thread. So I started the seedling late Thursday to contribute a grow journal. I thought that was the least I could do. I mentioned this to you thursday in a PM and you gave me the Thumbs up.

"Why did a germ a sponsored seed ?" Because like I mentioned earlier I have a lot of Dina's on the way right now from winning the best picture thread. What does it matter what seed I use, all dina' auto's are eligible.

So if you want me to put my seedling pic in the big thread, then I'm down. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

If you want me benched because the Canadians are 20 days behind I am fine with that too. But Pls Don't ask me where are my pics in the big thread, like I did something wrong, because you said to "wait".
Ok, me confused you with another grower, sorry, go ahead with this seedling, just make sure you post once a week a update into Biggest Thread by tagging @me like this...

Weekly Template update..

Weekly Update:

List any changes you have made to the plant in the last week:

Plant photo:

Tag Team Leader:

You guys know these xxls go at least 100 days so i dont plan on my girl bein done by may 1st either but doesn't mean we cant still vote on best one. No?
To be honest, all the really matters is who has the biggest cheese. Cause I wanna be the BIG CHEESE around these parts. There should be a badge for that IMO.

What do ya say about upping the ante on this lil venture and make it more interesting? The guy with the least weight has to sign out on all his posts for one month as "The LiL Cheese"