Wish I had found this site before I started my first auto grow. I figured I would do what I did with my photo grows, that was my first mistake and it was the first of many unfortunately. Long and short of it I didn't know what the fack I was doing. These ladies don't have the time to recover from the mistakes a noob would make and I found that out in a hurry I look at the various pics with big lollipops and realize my grow is just shy of being a joke. I might be lucky if I get a half Oz a plant which is a great shame cos they look so nice but are just too damn short to give any weight to speak of. Moral of the story... read a lot before starting. If I had I would have maybe i would have gotten my 1/2 grm per watt like I told myself I would. Live and learn I suppose. Only 13" tall, smells yummy and covered in sugar but oh so tiny. My bad not the seed supplier ( Cropking) who have some nice seed and will give good yield. .. if you know what you're doing that is. Peace. Vic