:smoking: Howdy
Fettled folks!
... I some very nice results here mates-
Both are lovely, but no question who's getting the Juice! Nice job so far my friends,...
Hmmm, I forgot, your on the other hemisphere!
... that so, I'm not sure what you can do if you remain outside, as these are photo's, they will obey the Sun
... otherwsie, it's ID's they go, under 12/12 to force the issue,... may I ask what the rush is? Or is a longer term test just going to jam up your grow Mojo? I'd love to see those beauties get big lush and bushy, but that's easy for me to say, right?
That test girl would end up using a lot of Overgrow/RWT mix! ..and it ain't free! So, maybe the Mrs. will have to work some spacial magic..? regardless, this is another solid test of OF, and we thank you-- like this
and slap a badge on ya too!
Cheers Fett's!