I would be smoking that already...lol

Looks awesome!

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Looks and smokes awesome! Smell is coming on now in 3rd week of curing. I have to admit i have started to smoke it. It is a damn fine stone and gets better and bettet as it ages.
Psychofruit is definitely on my permanent grow list along with Cash Crop now, both are Cream of The Crop strains, both are big producers as well.

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The Psychofruit is now on my all time top 5 strains, lets make that Top 3. It may be # Uno when its all 0ver. It hiTs fast but also really creeps on you for over the next 30 minutes. Then your absolutely cooked or as Joe Rogan would say "Higher than Giraffe pus%*". Psychofruit is a very front brain lobe stone.
The Cream of The Crop seed pack states "She delivers a strong, deep and very long lasting high that will leave you hiding behind the couch rather than being stuck to it"
I have had more than 1 person tell me that this is a very very true statement this last week. Mrs. Goat absolutely swears it is true, 2 puffs and she is heading for the bedroom with the covers up to her chin. LOL.
I have an extremely high tolerance level but this strain kicks my ass every single time.
So all u folks out there with a high tolerance, this is a highly recommended strain for you. The buds are hard as rocks, drop one on the table it actually bounces. It is hard to squeeze a good many of them. The scale pic should demonstrate that point, super dense and sticky. Psychofruit has a very fruity smell and taste, no harshness at all. As Smooth a puff as u can get. It was my main producer on this grow. The Pineapple Express and Super Hash are very good, the Psychofruit is just outstanding!

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wow, impressive to hear, not so sure this would be my cup of tea
wow, impressive to hear, not so sure this would be my cup of tea
I agree not for everyone, my wife would be first in that line. I venture it should be for seasoned tokers. Personally, I haven't found an Indica that would lay me out in years. But, I always grow multiple strains, this one included Pineapple Express Auto and Super Hash Auto as well.
I think the Pineapple needs another week of curing to get a true status. The Super Hash is a excellent chill, very hashy tasting and all around laid back euphoria.
The Psycho kind of really reminds me of some old school buddage. Again it is a great choice for seasoned veterans with a high tolerance. A couple of my buddies and I were discussing this subject, we all agreed Psycho would most likely freak a light toker out.

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