Generally speaking, when growing in coco you want your runoff to be no higher than about .3EC then your feed. If you're watering at 1.1EC then your runoff shouldn't be higher than about 1.4EC. Any higher and I would begin to be concerned about salt build up but your numbers seem fine. When you're growing in coco and watering properly to runoff every feed, you shouldn't have to check runoff as mentioned above as it will almost always stay within range. That being said, when problems arise, it can be a great indicator to help you identify a potential problem.
It sounds like you tried to flush with just RO water? IME that can lead to more problems in coco. If you're in fact concerned about salt build up and want to flush then use a weaker solution of your nutes. For example, if you've been watering at 1.1EC then mix the next batch at .9EC and water to 25-30% runoff instead of 10-20%. Then check runoff... rinse and repeat until the numbers fall back in line. You don't want big fluctuations in nute concentrations between waterings as it can shock the plant IMO.
You're plants look Mag deficient. I have a grow going atm thats at about the same stage as yours and Im adding 4.5ml/gallon of calmag and with nutes, my total EC is also 1.1(.6EC from Calmag and .5EC from my base nutes). Every grow is different but in coco with RO water, calmag is essential. Every once in a while, my plants will start to show a mag deficiency depending on the strain or whatnot and I'll add 1/8th teaspoon of Epsom salts/gallon and they're good. Hope this helps