Indoor MonteVerde runs Mephisto Grape Crinkle and Orange Diesel

Day 39. Orange Diesel seems to be suffering from a potassium deficiency. I’ve been feeding them veg nutes, maybe it’s time to switch to flower nutrients. Other than that, they are drinking over a half gallon a day each. I’m not going to freak about the yellow flowers yet.
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Scratch that this looks more like nitrogen deficiency. I’ve been going light on the nutrients, maybe I’ll try and double down.
Day 41. Ive determined (guessed) that there were two things going on. Light burn and a potassium deficiency. Started giving the plants bloom nutes. Moved the light as high as it would go and dropped the dimmer to 80%. Will see if that helps. In the meantime they are still moving upwards, although the stretch is slowing, likely because I've started bloom nutes. Stacking has begin, and the tent smells like cat piss lol.


Day 61. Lotta leaf fading going on. Im worried, but dont want to mess with nutrients at this stage in their development, so will let it run its course.
You can definitely tell the difference in the plants though. Orange Diesel has fat, hard buds, nice gassy fruity smell. Grape Crinkle the buds are less hard, but getting a nice purple fade coming in and smells like, well, grape.

Kinda dropped off the radar for this thread. Ended up harvesting at day 84 for the Grape Crinkle and day 92 for the Orange Diesel. Got about 4 Oz each of good bud, prob another ounce each of larf for edibles.
The terps were muted. After 6 weeks of curing, it was better, but still muted. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. They both smoke quite well, balanced, up high, which is my preference.