Indoor MonteVerde runs Mephisto Grape Crinkle and Orange Diesel


Cultivators Club
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Both seeds popped out of the soil this morning so this is day one.
I am not sure whether they will be going into a 2x2 or just a big closet, I have two weeks before I get in to the new place so right now I’m just growing them in an existing closet with a fan and light, nothing else. All other equipment is packed. They are sitting under one autocob for now, in Biobizz light mix soil.
Hard to see the little buggers in the pic, but they are there.
Love the plant cards haha. But seriously I was really bummed about missing out on the only grape crinkle drop in the US at the beginning of the year by only a few mins so I'm going to follow along with envy on this one. :pop: Heard good things about the orange diesel as well.
Day 33. These babies are stretching! They have grown over 8 inches since last post. I tied them down twice since the last post, and they keep popping up. Decided to try a scrog. Its my first attempt at this. Cleaned out the lower leaves since once this is in place I won't be able to move the plants. Will see how this experiment goes. Getting good bud sites forming, trying to keep the canopy level, and they are starting to get pungent.

Day 33. These babies are stretching! They have grown over 8 inches since last post. I tied them down twice since the last post, and they keep popping up. Decided to try a scrog. Its my first attempt at this. Cleaned out the lower leaves since once this is in place I won't be able to move the plants. Will see how this experiment goes. Getting good bud sites forming, trying to keep the canopy level, and they are starting to get pungent.
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They are looking excellent! You're set to fill that tent up with some nice buds here soon :smoking: :d5:

Which one is the grape crinkle?
Day 39. Orange Diesel seems to be suffering from a potassium deficiency. I’ve been feeding them veg nutes, maybe it’s time to switch to flower nutrients. Other than that, they are drinking over a half gallon a day each. I’m not going to freak about the yellow flowers yet.
