Outdoor Mon's Auto & Photo Outdoor Guerillia Grow Adventure 2017

Work is done for today, so i can fulfill 2 promises i did at the beginning of this thread...My Germination Method:

Since i upgraded my germ way i got a germ rate of normally 100%...before soaking the seeds in prewarmed ro-water i take them out of the fridge to acclimate the to room temps for about 24 hours and after soaking out of the water into prepared tupper boxes with moist paper towels warmed up with 2 warm/cold packs done in heated water before and covered with towels it looks like this...

towel uncovered...

first warm pad off the tuppers...

and the CC's are some fast germers after 19 hours...



the warm pads back into heat water...

the tuppers on it...

next warm pad...

and covered with the second towel inside the tuppers normally climes are between 24° to 26° and 55% to 80% for a good germ clim, normally the first seeds are ready after about 48 hours to thake place in prewatered final pots and that's tomorow morning and the first seedlings will pop out of the dirt in the evening same day for this unexpected and unwanted indoor grow i'm forced to do, but i'm just loving it now!

Happy Growing AFN!:pass::smoking:
Thanks Sted,

but the light is completly build by @L0wbob2017 himself and i can use it as a give away, haha! Since 1 hour my P 600 is running and tomorow LB's COB Spaceship will be added and the seeds will take place in the prewatered airpots...

Here you go, the pics from today :D

10 Airpots freshly filled with a 3 layer soilmix

Hanging that spaceship

And finally:


Spaceship trying its best ( CXB3590 @ 1,4A watercooled ) against a Platinum P600:

Cant wait to see my Spaceship in action hehe

Hey Mr. 1000 Seeds,

with the Platinum P 600 you got a very intense and powerfull light and you will see her in action...i'll try to grow at least one of the 4 strains under the P 600 and the COB's to see the direct difference results of the lights...
to see what results the P 600 can perform just look at my last indoor grow " Real Strange Grow Matters" in my signature below and look page 26 to 28 when the big ladys got harvested...all of them more than 100 gr. superb weed!

Will do, this is going to be a great grow Mon. The mix of light Should work well, hats off to LOwbob too for the COB build...And it's water cooled!!!!
Had to bring up 2 18 Liter pots from my basement filling up with the last 2 AM's, they were more then ready...so since today 4 CC's are running ( i see the smile in your face LB :biggrin:) also 3 CJ's ( 912 should also smile now:smoking:) 3 AM's...unfortunately only 1 strange TD ...hope the last 2 TD's and 1 CJ will do tomorow:shrug: but actually 11 pots are running in my grow room and the first seedlings should pop out this night to be seen tomorow...

Happy Growing AFN!
I'm done, completely...bad karma this summer, really...this morning i wanted to check Harmonys and transplant the last 2 photos, but all plants have been teared out of the pots, empty place now, also the beast...i lost my positive mood for growing...bad times this days...Happy Growing is gone!

AAAGH, this is horrible Mon.. sending vibes your way.

Glad you're hatching a new batch though.. these girls need us Mon, we must continue!
Checked up my last 3 photos yesterday evening...Hollands Hope at the Jungle...

and the Frisian Dew in the field...


she's willing to flower...

Damn @912GreenSkell you and Mossy were so right...the Durban Poison is the true outdoor champ...packed on size half meter in 8 days...


I gave all 3 plants a extra dose of mykos...
Happy Friday AFN!