T5 Light: 24/0
Clip fan: 24/0
Temp: 79 Humidity 70
I gave the ladies a good dunk today. This mom has had the darn FLU and couldn't even get out of bed never mind look at her little ones yesterday. They seemed to have fared just fine in spite of me. I did drop the MC dose down to 1.5g/G as one of the ladies seemed to have a bit of nute burn on the tips of her leaves. I don't think it was the T5 as I have it a pretty good distance away. It was 6" but seedlings were not showing much stretch so i moved it to 8". I had the energy to take a few pics, and I am heading back to bed.
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Your girls look good, take care and feel better![]()
Sorry to hear you got the flu. Feel better and the girls look great.
I know when sick or down, I have the hardest time taking care of my babies. Glad to hear you are on the mend.Thank you guys. Finally feeling a little better after almost 3 days of sleeping and a 101 fever. I feel like a wet rag!!
Going to stumble in to the kitchen, attempt some coffee and then check on my little ladies. I am sure I will have to give them their morning "dunk". I did peek in the tent window earlier and temps are hanging in there at 80 and humidity 75.
I dig this small tent.
I was laying on the couch, asking my daughter to make dinner for my mom, to check the mail...all the daily stuff. Oh man, I was a pile of sweating, barely awake, delirious mush.I know when sick or down, I have the hardest time taking care of my babies. Glad to hear you are on the mend.
I was laying on the couch, asking my daughter to make dinner for my mom, to check the mail...all the daily stuff. Oh man, I was a pile of sweating, barely awake, delirious mush.
But I'll tell you I dragged myself up those stairs one at a time to make sure my ladies were OK!!
AND UPDATE....I saw roots in my plastic cups! I AM SO EXCITED.....this weigh and dunk method is working. I think I may have passed the "Lady, please don't kill us" stage.
(stunting~ maybe. brain damage~ possibly. We still have a ways to go.)
Wow, what a rush. I didnt take pictures as I didnt want to compromise those spindly little white roots, but they were there from top to bottom in each cup (which is good sign I assume!)
Good to hear your doing well with the new method. I love it myself. Gets me thru the first 15 day or so which was hard before. Slow is even saying I'm doing better with the seedlings, which is saying something because that guy doesn't pull any punches! LOL.
So I'm taking the bottom dunking solo cups further than before. I am not using autopots this grow. 1g plastic pots. I top watered after I transplanted in to them. But now I'm going to bottom dunk those pots like I did the cups. Obviously a larger scale dunking operation now. I have a 5g bucket I dunk in to. Put a pot down about 3 inches below the surface and hold for 5 seconds and then lift it up. I am trying to encourage the roots to get down to the bottom faster and then in theory kick in to flowering faster. Once in to full flower I'll go to top watering.
This is the bottom of my current pots. They look ideal for dunking.
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Again, thanks to you and Easy for the method that brought me peace in this seedling stage, wow, I was so scared. (Of course, slow was a a lot more cryptic than you. You really stuck in there with me, remember the darn cups and their weight not matching over and over?? Yikes!)
You and I think SO MUCH alike. I was wondering about a dunk all the way through method (not for this grow, but it did cross my mind). Until I saw my self lifting heavy plants and trying to dunk them. It had disaster written ALL over it....I will follow yours closely!
You know what is really weird....I "dunked" a long time ago and simply forgot. That is how I used to water my ferns in the summer. I would almost fill a 5g bucket with some feed (who knows...something from walmart!) and also Epsom salt. (someone recommended it was good for ferns) I would place the soil pot fern in the 5g of water, leave for a bit, the pull it out. Best looking ferns on the block. But of course back then I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Now I put pieces together. Dunk...Epsom salts....full water then dry cycle...hmmmmmm