Seed Stockers ~*~ Mom does Wedding Glue in a Solo Cup ~*~

Hi hon! I can not BELIVE I forgot to take a picture of them, GRRRRR! It was a THICK MASS of white roots, especially the lower half. I didnt even see any coco :eek1: I slit them with a sterilized razor and even removed some. Lets hope it helps~ not hurts her. I put in a lot of Recharge which does help with transplant shock. I am keeping my eye on her!! :biggrin:
Next time also sprinkle some good mycos in the hole and rootball. She may droop a little, but she should perk up very quickly. She should really take off!:headbang:
Next time also sprinkle some good mycos in the hole and rootball. She may droop a little, but she should perk up very quickly. She should really take off!:headbang:
Thanks hon :biggrin: I ran out of Mykos (I love that stuff!!) so I put in a little extra Recharge :biggrin: I hope she does OK.
DAY 32
Veg tent: 96W HOT5/80 degrees/48%RH
Seedstockers Wedding Glue Solo Cup Challenge
Well, I sadly must say that my non-competitor repotted and put under the MarsHydro did not make it. Maybe it was light shock and/or messing with her root-ball when she was already stressed? Anyhoo….Competitor Lady is still going strong in her Solo Cup under the T5 in the baby tent.
Her feed now has FloraBloom added, and she is up to 600ppm 2x a day~ AM top watered about 7 ounces (and dry by her PM feed) and PM bottom fed about 7 ounces (and dry by her AM feed) I dont want to mess with a good thing, but maybe it is time to start feeding 3x a day so she
is not completely drying out between feedings??

My Mendel’s Midwest Widow in the big girls tent is in the process of flush, chop, then hang. Once that is done this little lady will be going “uptown”. I always get a little nervous taking my babies from under their T5 and putting them under the MarsHydro. (I dont always have good results.) I will be extra careful and make sure when she does make the transition that PDF is on point, and I will watch her closely. Her day is coming soon!!


DAY 35
Veg tent: 96W HOT5/81 degrees/36%RH
Seedstockers Wedding Glue Solo Cup Challenge
Merry Christmas/ Happy Festivus!!

What can I say...this lady is just beautiful :biggrin: She is at maximum height now for the baby tent under the T5, so I hope her stretch is over. :eek1:
My Mendels Midwest widow is being harvested today, and will hang in the big girls tent for a bit. I dont think the T5 will do this solo cup lady justice in flower, so she will be moving to the big girls tent under the MarsHydro as soon as the tent is vacant. I am always nervous about moving them from the T5 to the LED as it has never really gone well for me, but I will do it slowly. In increments if I have to.


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Hope you all had a great Christmas!! :biggrin:
Lady is doing wonderful, and my Brother Mendels Midwest widow is hanging to dry in the big girls tent. Hopefully in a few more
days I will be able to move miss Wedding Glue Solo uptown. See you in a few days once she makes the incredible 4 foot trip. :rofl:
DAY 39

I harvested my Mendels Midwest Widow, so the Wedding Glue Solo Cup lady went uptown into the big girls tent under a MarsHydro TSW 2000. I made sure that PDF on canopy was only about 350 to start. This morning she has some limp leaves, but I will keep my eye on her. I ALWAYS have issues when I go from the small, warm, humid baby tent with the T5 to the big girls tent. I think it is just too many factors shocking them at once. I think it might be time to do whole grow in one tent, and not be moving them from one environment to another. If she starts to really suffer, I will move her back to the baby tent and take my chances with her flowering under the T5.