Dinafem Moby Dick XXL

Just over three weeks and all three are girls but one may turn out to be a runt, plants are 13in, 12in and 10in. Yesterday each got their second feeding of FF, 5ml big bloom and 2ml each microbebrew, kangaroots, wholly mackerel, comeback and kelp me at 6.5 ph. Lights are at about 24 inches, color and growth look good. I am giving 5ml of cal/mag and 8-10 drops superthrive once per week but only feeding FF once a week.

Just over 3 weeks and looking in tip top shape :pass:

You must be at around 5-6 weeks now? How are things going @virginia gent? I hope all is well and growing well :pass:

All the best

Quick question - why the use of Big Bloom (flower nutrient) during the vegetation phase? Even though it's an auto, wouldn't the plant want more veg nutrients until pre-flowers show?


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Quick question - why the use of Big Bloom (flower nutrient) during the vegetation phase? Even though it's an auto, wouldn't the plant want more veg nutrients until pre-flowers show?


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I used to use fox farms and I believe big bloom is used the whole Grow. Big bloom is like the micro and grow big is veg with tiger bloom being flower