New Grower Moby Dick XXL Auto - Outdoor

Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
Strain: 2 Moby Dick XXL Auto seeds from DINAFEM
Type of growth: Outdoor in substrate (peat, perlite, humus and coco).
Germination: Water then jiffys.
Note: To make comparisons easier between both seeds, I consider the day the seeds open their cotyledons as the first day, since they sprouted 2 days apart.

Jan 11. Three days after soaking the seeds seedling 1 has already sprouted out of the jiffy with its pale cotyledons open;

Jan 13.
Seedling 2 has opened it's cotyledons.

Here's how both look their second day.
Seed 1 - Dia 2 - ene 12.JPGSeed 2 - Dia 2 - ene 14.JPG
And here are both of them on day 6, you can see the tip of the second pair of serrated leaves.
Seed 1 - Dia 6 - ene 16.jpgSeed 2 - Dia 6 - ene 18.JPG
I'm curious about seedling 2, with those tiny leaves.
I got a moby dick xxl on the way myself. heres good luck to your grow my friend
Any ideas as to what I can expect from seedling 2, the tiny one? I really hope the next pair of leaves are bigger.

I expect by the end of week 2 -the current one- both will be big enough so I'll have to put the jiffys on their final pot, 15 liters each.
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small leaves now doesnt mean it will be small,ive seen the runts end up double the size of the others in the end.some just take longer for the roots to set up.
I forgot to mention that this will be my third grow. The first two were auto white widows from pyramid seeds on a peat, perlite and humus mix with no added fertilizer whatsoever. Both times were ok I guess the plants been around 20 to 24 inches tall.

This time I'm trying to up my game a little, I'll be adding coco to the mix as recommended by DINAFEM, the pots will be larger and I'm using a rooting stimulant and veg fertilizer at this stage, though instead of a strong weekly dose (as it was recommended) I'm using a 20% dose on each watering, while keeping an eye on how the seedlings respond to it.
Will be keeping a eye on this grow bro, different strain but you are on the exact same time as me. Was planning to grow outside also, but weather is not quite there yet so am starting them in a homemade grow box for a few weeks.

Looking good so far nice healthy green looking babies you got there, would not worry to much about the little runt, once she gets her second set of leaves growth will speed up nicely for now she's looking healthy and that's what matters.
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Thanks spanglish.

Well it's summer here so, it's the perfect time to have them outside.