Indoor Moby Dick XXL & Afghan Kush

Right lads I've taken Luchogs advice and moved my LED too the side wall in order too give more light too the lower parts of the plant beneath the top canopy. Would there be any benefit of putting my T5 at the other side wall too give more lower level light?
Is now the time too switch the Kush from grow too bloom or should I wait till flowers appear? Much appreciated lads
Cheers Sanguine... It's world of seeds afghan kush ryder and supposedly 64 days from seedling too harvest and they are 25 days old so I'll give them say another 10-14 days before bloom is added?
If extra days gives extra grams it's all gravy :) plus that will give me a harvest time around new year so I'll be a happy toker come Hogmany
Do not get any light aiming upwards. You can very easily burn the bottoms of the leaf. That is also not doing anything if it is putting light underneath. Photosynthesis only happens on the top of leaves. Keep those lights up top. You are giving the right amount of light to see those genetics come to full potential.