Mephisto Genetics Mizzo’s Mephistos.

The greenhouse, I started working on the trees. There is only one big one I may ask my neighbor with help. He’s a master rigger, I watched him drop a massive tree piece by piece with ropes and pullies. He’d tie off what he was cutting to pully system and a rope the ground with another pulley he’d make his cut climb down and with a rope in each hand let one out as he pulled one in and down came the chunk of tree as fast or slow as he wanted. It was directly over his garage so slow and methodical he went at it. I’ve only felled trees with no buildings around so it was push them over with an excavator if small enough or cut’em down.
From my sister. Hers will be going outside today to make room for some more I gave her. In the pic is fantasmo, a forgotten cookies, forum stomper and I think a Sal and sol. I gave so many babies away I forget them all.
Some greenhouse ladies. Sour alien livers has branched pretty nice. Getting some frost on forgotten cookies and the fastest to start and earliest to start the frost is sour crinkle, not surprised.
Sour crinkle smells sweet grapey with some gas. I can’t wait for the rest to start. The greenhouse has a dank smell as you approach and open the door. One of my favorite parts of the day.
We’ve had a bit of a cold spell. Nights getting down into the low 50’s couldve even dropped into the 40’s, not sure how warm the greenhouse stays at night I might get a sensor for it just to know. Trees hopefully coming down soon to open up a bunch more light. Gonna head out and take pics in a bit.
I’ve been dealing with some of these cold night myself slowing things down.
Sheesh I need to update. I’ll need to get more pics but sour crinkle is fast frosty and kinda grape cleaner smell. The forgotten cookies is building nice buds also nice and frosty and smells of Lemon iced sugar cookies I have three they all smell similar with slight differences the smaller faster one is the best so far. Sour alien livers branched out the best and will probably produce the most. Chemdoggin is also coming along in all departments the smell was sweet at first now it’s getting that dank chemmy smell it should have. Gonna have to run a cdlc in my veg tent.