Seed Stockers Mikis grows Fruit Cake.

How are these doing pal,, I have two and a half plants lol of these going and ain't started budding up yet :shrug:,,
Not the best, but not the worst! They are in flower but taking ages!! I reckon i could have the photo version at more advanced stage than these at this point in the game!!
Aww naww, i hope your not getting a repeat of the blackberry gum nautos!!!
Not the best, but not the worst! They are in flower but taking ages!! I reckon i could have the photo version at more advanced stage than these at this point in the game!!
Aww naww, i hope your not getting a repeat of the blackberry gum nautos!!!

I will freak out if they are lol,,, I got the thin mint crack going and they are great ,, perhaps running 24/7 light don't help
I will freak out if they are lol,,, I got the thin mint crack going and they are great ,, perhaps running 24/7 light don't help
Ive been 20/4 since they got put into the autopots!! 4 hours lights off a day over a week works out at a days worth of leccy!! Ye know im scottish aye :crying::crying:
Quick update/photo roll!

It would appear the ph problem i had wasnt due to the feed! The third and final fruit cake showed the exact same deficiency at the same point in growth even though its on the same rez as the other plants! I did think it was strange how the maple sherbet was unaffected but it seems they go through a severe hunger for nitrogen as they enter the flowering stage!! Ive never seen this before but every days a school day!!!

3 plants, 3 different phenos!
1 short n stocky and smells skunky!
1 taller but equally as wide and a real fruit smell!
1 lanky as fuck and takes forever to grow, 9 weeks in and only just started to flower!

Definitely not a strain for a beginner!! Ive been growing for 13 years now and dont think ive ever had such a frustrating strain to grow! The differences in the phenos, rate of growth in flower and that weird demand for N would surely send a beginner into meltdown lol!

Il post pictures of each plant individually since the last update in separate posts so you can see the changes!

@CannaZone Tier 1

(For some reason my pics never upload in the correct order and i really cannae be annoyed doing it individually!!)

This is what happens when a breeder rushes a strain to market! These likely only F2, maybe even F1. Seems SS screwed up on this one! Or it wasn't well tested before release. Disappointing really, as Seed Stockers on the average, have some great strains! Still you should get some good bud from these, so battle on!


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