Indoor MikeyB420's 1st Indoor Grow

Hi All,

Day 28

First off, a few questions if I may? My girls have been on half strength veg nutes for the last week and the stretch has been quite impressive. So, would you go to full strength now or wait another few days before upping to the full monty? I ask this because I'm worried about the girls growing too tall for my grow tent, I take seed companies final heights for various varieties very much with a pinch of salt and it's been proved here at AFN (we are all capable of growing monsters with the right info!). I'm very happy with the internode spacing on the Speed Devils, although the Afghan Kush's seem to be a little more spaced out.

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Speed Devil#2
View attachment 179452
Afghan Kush Ryder

All the girls are in the first stages of flowering, they have been under constant LED light 24/0 so, second question. Is now the time to go to 20/4, or wait until the stretch finishes?

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Afghan Kush Ryder 1

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Afghan Kush Ryder 2

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Speed Devil 2

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Speed Devil 1

My tent temps have been higher at times than I like in the last few days, almost 31c! Average 27c. I will start active ventilation in the next few days. RH max 55%, average 40-45%. Soil pH is a constant 6.5/6.6. Nutrient EC 1.2 (weak at half strength?)

Any feedback will be much appreciated (geez, I sound/feel like a noobie grower asking! I suppose I am really?)

Peace and Love to you all.

Thank the heavens my plants respond better than Arsenal FC! Off topic but, I need to get Arsene in my grow tent! :group:
Hi All.

Day 30

Just a quick purple/pink shot of the grow tent!

View attachment 180507

Would really appreciate any views on going to full strength veg nutes and switching to 20/4 lighting now, or wait until the stretch phase has finished?

Peace and love to you all.

Would really appreciate any views on going to full strength veg nutes and switching to 20/4 lighting now, or wait until the stretch phase has finished?

Day 31

Hi All,

Took the plunge this evening and went full strength on the veg nutes! Can't quite believe how much the herb can grow overnight! One of the SPD#2's grew 2" vertically overnight, the other went sideways.

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Both the KushRyders bud sites are searching for the light and emerging from the undergrowth!

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I will post some green pics at the weekend when the girls come out of the tent for their weekly close inspection.

Started active ventilation yesterday, temps nice and stable at 26c, RH 45-55% and soil pH @ 6.4. I will ask again, lighting schedule 20/4 now or carry on with 24/0 till the stretch finishes?


Hi All,

Day 34

Really pleased with myself at the moment and hopefully I'm not tempting fate by saying so but, these girls are going great guns! :jaw:

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SpeedDevils on the left, KushRyders on the right.

The stretch is averaging 1/1 and a half inches a day (25-35mm) and I'm amazed at the number of bud sites forming. Temps have come down a little with active ventilation 24-22c max/min, so this evening I've adjusted the controller up a few degrees as I think the range 28-26c will be beneficial? Ambient room temp outside the grow tent is 20c, so no great temperature gradients thank goodness for LED's! You hear about associated heat problems with MH/HPS in small areas, there is no way I would ever consider using that form of lighting and the ventilation required!

View attachment 182466View attachment 182468View attachment 182470 KushRyders

View attachment 182471View attachment 182472View attachment 182473View attachment 182477 SpeedDevils

Anyway, X3 189 LED is still blazing 24/0 (nobody has made a comment yet if I should go to 20/4!), veg nutes are at full strength (n.b. My freebie EC meter still shows 1.2 and according to Plagron schedule at full strength it should be 1.7, maybe it was a duffer?). Soil pH is 6.5/6.6, although for some unknown reason to me, one of the KushRyders has dropped down to 6.2. I shall recalibrate meters tomorrow as it has been over a month since I first did that!

Peace and love to you all!

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You can switch to 20/4 I am not sure what you are doing with the EC meter and that is typically for folks growing in Hydro setups. 6.2-6.5 is fine so no worries in that range in flower. It looks like they are doing fine and now its all about waiting until the end :)
This pic is beautiful bro:gthumb:let me :slap: up a bit, you are looking fine and dandy, bro. When they stop growing vertically, you can stop the veg nutes and switch up to flower nutes, so they can fatten up for ya:dance2:

Lots of luck through the flowering stage, right now you are :point:One Love and Peace to you:peace:
I am not sure what you are doing with the EC meter and that is typically for folks growing in Hydro setups.

I'm fortunate enough to work in a scientific environment (?) and I just thought that an EC meter would be good to check the nutrient values I was feeding to the girl's was on or around the stated values (I can get quite anal at times!), a close friend who knows what I'm doing found a redundant EC meter and gave it to me! So I had something else to play/confuse myself with! :eek: