Indoor MikeyB420's 1st Indoor Grow


Naughty Step Holder
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hi All,

Ok, I have finally got round to starting/writing up this grow journal, we are almost 2 and a half weeks into the grow but, due to a close friends bereavement and holiday, internet time has not been a priority for me, more so as I have no internet at home at the moment. I should say at this point, I was planning on starting this grow (my first in 16 yrs!) 6 months ago, then very stupidly got my collar felt by the law (busted) for possession of the herb! So, I have been trying to keep a low profile (so to speak?), more so after a warrant and a K9 sniffing around my house, only an empty grinder found, phew! Anyway, we're off!

So, what have we got here?


Secret Jardin DR90 Grow tent
X3 189 Pro LED Lighting Unit
4" Rhino carbon filter
SMSCom controller
RUK Extraction fan
Generic Intake fan/Passive at present time
10l Airpots


Peace and Love (always works for me!)
pH meters:
Soil - Lultron PH212
Solutions - Essential pH Pen


Root Riots
Plagron Light Mix Compost
Generic Vermiculite
Plagron Terra Nutrients


Sweet Seeds: Speed Devil#2
World of Seeds: Afghan Kushryder

Method: As of 19/1/2013

Day 1

Seeds (3 Speed Devils/2 Kushryders) placed in glasses of pH adjusted mineral water@6.4 with a touch of Plagron Power Roots. All bar one sank after 24hrs. (With some slight prodding and dunking, the final seed drowned 40 minutes later!)

Day 2

In a bit of a rush, all seeds were placed into a moist kitchen towel sandwich in a sealed plastic food container
at 22c in a dark environment. Unfortunately, I wasn't very diligent in my checking and some 30hrs later I opened the container to find 4 of the seeds cracked with large taproots twisting up to 20mm long! Absolute pain in the backside trying to get them safely into the root riots without damaging the embryo roots. The one remaining uncracked seed went back into the container and produced a taproot some 12hrs later!

Day 2/3

All the root riots with the cracked seeds onboard where placed in a propagator and lid with the LED light 30"/750mm above them, on a 24/0 lighting schedule.

At this time, I took a time out and thought again about the ventilation of the grow tent! IMHO I should have bought the 2 meter tall DR120, not a lot of difference from what I have (DR90) but, although I'm not planning on having any taller genes at any time soon, the extra height may have been useful for routing vents/cables etc. as it is, I have decided to place all fans/controllers outside the grow tent just leaving the filter/light/ducting inside. Due to a lack of headroom. I have nice temps thou! 23-28C upwards, some humidity at the moment, 30% max but, they are only babies and I don't want to encourage mold! The light is on 24/7 at the moment going to 20/4 after the stretch has finished, possibly 18/6 dependent on temps and progress.

Day 4

There is movement! Cotys are seeking light! Both Kushryders shed seedcase, Speed Devil's eased off gently bar the late developer.

Day 5

We may have a problem with Speed Devil No.3, the late developer seedcase seems to have been consumed by one of the cotys (cotyleden/seedleaf).
All the others are doing fine. I'm sure I can see the first set of true leaves on one of the KR's?

Day 6

3 sets of 1st leaves showing! Definite problem with SPD No.3, seedleaves twisted (oh well, that will teach you to keep seeds in the fridge!) Damn! 20% reduction in crop if it doesn't recover? Or more room for the others to bloom if it gives up! Mixed the Plagron Light Mix and the vermiculite at a ratio of 5:1 and filled the 10l airpots , soil pH checked at 6.8. Checking tap water pH shocked me, 7.9! I rushed down to the local supermarket and purchased lots of small bottles of mineral waters to test. Finally found an own brand which seems to be a consistant 6.9, when I start feeding this may need adjustment but, they seem happy at the moment.

Day 7

The SPD is most definitely stunted! Peace and love will not save this mutant, did the humane thing and composted it, shame and now there are just the 4 left. I'm getting excited, growth is terrific, although I may have some different pheno's as there is quite a difference in size, however, when they are growing at this rate it may just be me! Late night check revealed much root growth, so I transplanted from the root riots into the airpots!

Days 8 - 14

Wow! Having only grown outdoors before, I can understand now why a controlled environment is so much better when you get all the prevailing conditions correct. Finally got internet at home up and running, so I can update as and when from now on!


Some thumbnails!
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Sounds like you got it going, I am not familiar with your soil mix but you are gonna be happy with them AKR's :)
For all you lovers of 'pink porn' I took this picture today.
Nice set up you have there :D

Looking forward to seeing their progress :pop:
Hi All,

Just a quick update on day 20.

I am very pleased with this start, considering that I have had other things on my mind for the last few weeks, it has been difficult to give my full attention to this grow (to be perfectly honest, if it wasn't going as well as it seems to
be? I would have been happy to write off the whole grow and start again at the first sign of any problems!)

No Problemo! (Thats peace and love, on a good day!)

All 4 plants are just on the same plain mineral water as previously mentioned, getting greedy now though but, I try to keep them on the dry side. I'm toying with starting them on 1/2 strength veg nutes this weekend, although, having shown no signs of gender as yet, bud sites are obvious (can only be a day or two more?) I'm holding off on boosting male ego's!

I can't see any signs of nutrient deficiency at the moment (So Plagron Light Mix@ is a good seed/starting medium!/?)

soil pH is at 6.7

Ambient room temp 21/23c

Tent Temp 27c (plus or minus 2.0c) No positve ventilation at this time, just when I open up to gaze and wonder (sorry, water!) There has over the last few days a very pleasant earthy/musky aroma starting to permeate the grow room, maybe time to start the filtering system?

RH is between 35%-46% (higher figure an hour after watering!)

LED blazing 24/0!

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Peace and love to you all.

Hi All,

Day 21

No real signs of any of the plants showing sex, so decided to go ahead and start feeding 1/2 strength veg nutes. I'm using Plagron Terra nutrients (these were recommended by the local grow shop owner) in Plagron light mix. I'm sure that everyone has their own preferences but, as I am new to indoor growing I went with what was suggested. Before I fed them I topped up the airpots with more compost as the soil levels had slowly sunk through watering and the top row of holes were not covered. Next grow I shall make sure I fill them higher!

Here are pics of all the plants, sorry about the quality (wish I had some of my camera gear from the 80's) but, at the moment my phone camera will have to do!

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Peace and love to you all.

Hi All,

Day 23

I'm feel like an expectant father! Hopefully they are all girls? :ladies:

Came home from work this afternoon and all plants are displaying signs of sex from various bud sites, definite signs of pistils (hopefully not petioles?) in my opinion. This is my problem, having only grown outside before with female clones in Guerrilla Grows, I've never seen early signs of sex in the herb! These are white hairs showing, even if my crappy camera phone doesn't show them properly! I realise it's early days yet but, any opinions would be interesting.

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Peace and love to you all.

Those look like pre-flowers in the earliest stage of budding. You can look at the stalk for the little white female pistols when sexing and they will show earlier. Looks like they are doing good and on track. I like those little chalk board things you have. What are those?
I like those little chalk board things you have. What are those?

Before I started this grow I thought to myself, I really like those Dutch Passion labels various people were getting with their seeds and obviously it would be quite useful to know which plants are which. Unfortunately, none of the seeds I've bought came with anything, so I had a trawl on the net and found these at B & Q.

A bit pricey but, all good botanical gardens always label their plants! A drywipe blackboard marker, job done!

A Blue/Pink porn picture on Day 24. The Kush Ryders are really starting to fill out now! :hot:

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