Outdoor Midwest outdoor '12



Just popped my beans for this years outdoor.
  • 24 - Short Stuff mix pack(reg)
  • 10 - Dr. G Iranian G13. One is a mother that I'll clone out.
  • 6 - RP Kosher Kush
  • 6 - DNA Martian Kush
  • 6 - CH9 mix pack

Started everything in Jiffy Pellets and will be transplanting to small peat pots and then to 1 gallon pots of Pro-Mix. I'll be feeding them AN Heavy Harvest, 2tsp/gallon of soil.

I'll be keeping my two best auto males to breed with my two best females. I'll pollinate each female 50/50 with the males as heavily as possible.

I'll post up some pictures as soon as the weather clears up.
Are you keeping them in the 1 gals? Regardless nice selections. Ill watch alone with your grow.
You should have a lot of good smoke on your hands in a few months. Good luck with your grow. :toke:
Are you keeping them in the 1 gals? Regardless nice selections. Ill watch alone with your grow.
Good question. All of the photos and the Iranian's will go into the ground. Approximately 10 gal of Pro-Mix each. My local soil is good, it looks like earth worm castings. I'm still unsure about the autos. The males will most likely stay in the 1 gallon pots and the women will probably end up in 3 gallon pots or in the ground.
Sounds like you're gonna have one of those good problems come fall. So much weed to trim!
Seeds getting started.

Site #1: This is my nursery and will also house a dozen or so plants. It's completely surrounded by chicken wire that I spray painted with a camo color. It only gets 7 hours of direct sun a day but I think it will be okay. I also planted a hermied Sugar Mango ryder that I had going in a DWC. I'm surprised it's doing so well to be honest.


Site #2: Better sun, worse security. 2 plants only.

Local ditch weed everywhere! Going to be a battle killing all of this shit.

Outdoor DWC house. It's not finished, the bottom half will get walls and a door and the bottom section will have pumps etc. The top half will get a trellis. This will get planted in some super dense shrubs and have a power cable buried to it. It's going to get a serious camo job done to it.

I've got 2 other sites that will have the majority of the plants but was unable to get photos today.
Very cool stuff man. Good luck with all of that.
All of my Kush popped up super quick and are looking strong. All of my CH9 were freebies and are looking like shit. I'm thinking they won't make it outside. I was excited to see 24 seeds in a 20 pack of Short Stuff but only 16/24 were viable. Some were blatently bad seeds that were deformed. Kind of disappointed but then again they're some of the cheapest seeds on the market. The autos and kushes are now in peat pots and the Iranian G13s are in 1 gal pots. I started hardening my G13's and hope to have them outside in the nursery in 10-14 days. My G13 mother is having some problems, nothing fatal. She is only 8 inches tall and has 8 inch fan leaves. I picked up a blackstar 240(veg) light and the node spacing is kind of ridiculous. I'll put up some pictures when there's something worth seeing.
It's been awhile since I updated. I currently have all of my Short Stuff autos outdoors. I lost a few plants to raccoon. As it stands now I have 3 males and 11 females. I may move the males indoors to more easily harvest the pollen. All of my IG13's are in the ground and are about a foot tall. I lost 2 to raccoon. My WoS sugar mango is about two weeks from harvest and looking good. I decided to not put my kush outdoor at all. I'm going to flower them small and select a mother plant from among them.