Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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Keep the vids and pics coming Micro, especially of that sweetheart on the left that is stretching out on the sides, sweet. I was going to do a micro grow such as yours (I had two old computers) but decided to go with a vegetative box (an old sewing machine) and a grow tent for flowering which I purchased for about 120euro if I remember correctly. Check out the sewing machine I converted in the link to my thread below, nothing amazing but interesting all the same for a first time grower (myself that is).

Stay cool.

right now i am posting piks and vids.. i will be back on later to comment and such...




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jemman... the key to photos in small spaces is LST... you can top them if you want, but suffeciently, the lst is what makes the micro grows work... be in control of your plant... dont let it control you... makes sense? the topping helps, but is not neccasary... my hawaiin skunk was toped, where as the hogs breath wasnt... i am personaly curious to see the yeild dif... hence me having these two grow next to each other...

i have a question for you guys... do you notice the leaves curling up on the hogs breath? the curl up on the sides of each petal... in the offical course book for oaksterdam, it says that it is a mag. def... after lookin at a lot of sativas online, i notice quite a few of them doing this... do you guys think this trait could be strain related or is a actual def.?
I'd say you're on the right track, micro, as long as your heat is well within range. have you thought about a micro CO2 gen?
think juice box, water bottle, baby food jar? just need a bit of tube and something to bubble in or tube to be wide enough to act like blubber.
Hey man, you know what's great for fungus gnats?

If you're in the US (didn't see if you mentioned otherwise anywhere..) there's a product called Mosquito Dunks, it's a dried round biscuit that you use in bird baths, etc to stop mosquitos from breeding. It's harmless to people and animals. It works GREAT to control fungus gnats. I had a pretty bad infestation of them at one point in time and I let a small chunk of the mosquito dunk sit in my water the day I was using regular water to water for about 24 hours before hand. It killed off the baby ones no problem. Obviously fly strips help with the adults, but the babies are a pain in the ass until I found this method.

Really impressed with the yields you get from the small grow space, have you ever considered using any other soils or making your own? You seem really intelligent when it comes to growing, I bet you could get even bigger yields out of such a small space if you were to make your own soil or use a more premium brand.

How long do you wait before feeding nutes using the MG organic?
Will make c02 Gen tomorrow. Been considering it for awhile now. I'm thinking. Milk jug and two hoses. One for each box.

With the soil, I basically wait till the plants tell me they need them. As far as making my own soil, in the processor coming up with my own now.the mosquito pucks seem like a winner to me. Where can I first.d them at?
Typically places like Lowes, Home Depot.. SOMETIMES Wal-Mart - they're usually 10 bucks for 8, but 8 will honestly last you a hundred grows because you use so little to water with. You can't go wrong. I can't wait to see what kind of soil you're going to use.. Post pics of the CO2 gen when it's finished!!! CO2 is a good bug killer too, haha.
Bought mosquito dunks today. Made three c02 boosters today. One for my veg box and two for my flowering box. One set at soil level and one at canopy level. Figured since I had the room, the more the better. I will post pictures Tuesday. Prolly gonna buy some 12" x 18" humidity activated c02 generator pads. Figure if I had one of those in each box, I'd be straight. I read that ed rosenthal said plants can't overdose on too much c02, and that they do take it in constantly just not as much in the dark period.
roll with it man. jsut remember and I'm sure ya know. but just in case be sure and have a way as to not allow fresh O2 to get to where your Co2 production is happening as for the yeast to make CO2 they have to be forced into aerobic process to make alcohol and CO2 biproducts.
I think I'm following ya. Stoned and tired. Lemme know when I post Piks bro. How is ur ss auto surprise going?