Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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Sigh... no piks today. My querkle lady was looking like shit. I was trying to get where I could water both plants in the box around the same time... bad idea. I also don't believe she is a fan of molasses either... I.m not entirely sure on that, but regardless, I have encountered my first issue ever in growing. I am currently going to wait as long as possible before watering her again. Quick question... can I foliar feed organic nutes on a flowering plant?

Onto the good news. Topped my querkle clone to make another clone off her. I went ahead and started germing 2 durrty dragons and 2 jems. I am gonna try to get a jump start on the breeding. I'm hoping that I will get at least 1 purple male out of my four seeds. Fingers crossed I get 1 of those and a purple female. That would def be ideal. If I don't get any males ( I have only had two males in the past three years using.g non fem seeds minus pandora and green o matic)
, at least I will have four bud samples! These should b harvested approximately a few weeks after my querkle. This will put me harvesting in four weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks from now... so I guess I.m getting a lil perpetual. So... more piks tomorrow. Hopefully the querkle will be up to health by then.
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forgot to elaborate on the querkle.. her leaves are super droopy/ saggy... not erect and normal at all... the only thing i can think of is i watered her a little early and gave her her first dose of bloom tea and molasses... its like it happened over night... i have her directly under my lights as opposed to the other side of my flowering case... hummm... i guess imma have to take some piks of the sickness to let you guyssee what i am talking about.... although, i am hoping she has perked up by the time i see her again.. i may have to break out my green light...
also... foliar feeds lat bloom can affect taste in a horrible way...
effectively smoking foliar feed... early bloom is fine however as the plant eats it up and you can always give a rinse prior to late bloom...

tbm is right... high fert scheds (especially foliars) can lead to bud rot... which is depressing to say the least after all your work to grow out a nice female for smoke...

take it from a guy who lost 75% of yields outdoor to bud rot this year.... wet weather for me on top of heavy fert prior to wet weather (unkowingly... lol)

Thats what i was thinking guys. Had to ask. Anways it was def the soil being too moist. I have lost some of the larger fan leaves due to this disaster. The younger leaves are slowly but surely perking back up. I.m still a lil embarresed by this noob mistake. But oh well. Needless to say no piks till she looks good again. Still waiting oj the seeds to pop surface. When they have broke surface, i will transplant to 18oz party cup and switch lights to 12/12 to start the flowering process of my querkle clone.

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ur right.. or me just trying to get both of the girls on the same watering schedule... knowingly it would be close to impossible due to the dif. container sizes... oh well... it was worth a shot.. i think i may have it where at least every other feeding as the pandora, the querkle will get hers...

didnt take any piks but wanted to comment on the clone of the pandora.... she has sprouted all "reveg looking" leaves... three petald leaves with hardly any serrated edges... i am hoping this makes sense a lil... she also appears to be close to two weeks behing the actual plant... it took approx two weeks to root... this is completely theory, but here me out...

i noticed that when my green-o-matic's tap root broke and i basically had to clone the sprout by giving it time to produce a new main root... it did.. slowly though... from the time the seed sprouted till the time it hit flowering was about 5 weeks... it was severely stunted and prolly would have been better if this hadnt of happened.... what i am pointing out though is this... it delayed its normal flowering at three weeks to five weeks...

this is my current example... my pandora.. as mentioned earlier, the clone is roughly two weeks behind as well as that being how long it took to root... this clone is the size of previous autoflowers i have grown out... she is approx 5 times bigger than what she would have been if i had not accidently broke her of the main lady... the clone is actuall y big enough to pull another clone off of to root... which i am prolly gonna do as soon as my second querkle clone roots... just to further experiment i have going on...

i have read a post by ripster sorta mentioning this theory already if i recall right... this technique would be very useful in keeping a single auto lady alive a very long time without damaging her in the long run... simply put, if you can time the clone taking precisely, you could essentially keep a auto alive by never letting it get past a certain stage of its life... whether it be veg or early flowering... if i can revert this clone i am planning to take back to the stage this clone was when it was takin, i will essentially this theory to be partially correct... the only person i have read clone a auto on here is ripster, so if ya wanna chime in on this, go for it homie!!!

lets say you wanna back cross to an auto female, but cant due to its short life cycle, this would be perfect for that scenario... i will take piks of my auto clone tomorrow and let you guys check it out... i have also super duty cropped (completely squeezing the stem to where it is crushed, then bending the shoot over to a complete 90 degree angle, then lst'ing her down to where she will never straighten back up... recently started experimenting with this self-made technique) her and the original mother... not sure if this heavy amount of stress has added to the "reveg" in anyway, but will not be super duty cropping the future clone taken off her in efforts to see if this may be a key to my theory as well... i figure the only way i can know is by slowly eliminating the variables...

thanks for looking and reading... please comment thoughts or opinions on this theory... thanks in advance... hopefully ripster can get over here on this topic...
piks... yay!!!

i have included piks of all three cases in action once again...

i have the two duurty dragons, two jems and querkle clone in my breeding case... three seeds from wiz's line have cracked and sprouted.. still waiting on the final duurty to break surface, however, i do think it will be up by the time i check on em again... waiting on that final sprout and i am switching to 12/12... i want to get the querkle shooting pistils a couple weeks before the dd's and pj's start sexxing...

in my clone case, i have a newly taken querkle clone and my pandora autoflower clone... i have decided not to take another clone due to lack of room and the fact i already have a project going on (breeding autos)... i will need all room i can get here shortly once everything is running up to par...

in my flowering box i have a single pandora lady and a querkle lady... the pandoras buds are fattening up... not too much trich action, but i didnt expect a whole lot of crystals out of this one... however, the querkle is a fuckin trich factory... lol... i looked at her last night and though i may have had a generous visit from the trich fairy... i have never seen a plant frost up this fast... i could only capture one pic of the frostiness.. also, the pandora will be harvested in three weeks.. being i am completely organic, i may not flush at all... just an idea... feed (organically) till the day of harvest... hummm...

enjoy the piks.. i had fun taken em... still cant get my video uploaded.. do you think it makes a diffrence that it is a high definition file?


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Transplanted all four sprouts to 16oz. Party cups last night. Switched light cycle to 12/12 in the breeding box... let the games begin... bwuhaha :)

Sent from my jedi mind powers using Tapatalk
well... bad news... one duurty didnt make it... i wanna say the soil was a lil too moist for being how long it took to crack maybe... i have noticed before from germing directly to soil that if its too wet, it aint gonna work... i usually do the ol paper towel method with 99.9% success... just changing shit up a lil... if i dont try other methods, how will i know they dont work better for me right? so now i have two jems and 1 duurty... to be honest, i am hoping the duurty to be a purple male... fingers crossed... and the two jems to be purple females as well... :) i would be very happy... flower out one, pollinate the other, and collect some pollen... lets see if i can get what i want outta this... anyone still sending out kharma??? lol... this seedling not making it will be okay... thats basicaly more room for the others is how i look at it...

i transplanted my querkle clone outta my wendy's cup cloner i made into the cup i had just potted the failed dragon into... hummm...

the pandora lady is looking marvelous now adays... i think i will get a decent harvest off her... she still has about a week to two weeks left, then its the first harvest of my series.. pretty excited... hell i would def give paradise autos a second chance... the first experience was well worth it...

harvesting the pandora will give me plenty of room to re lst my querkles lady... i think i am gonna end up with some real top heavy buds... i will need to start staking them out pretty soon... i think next time i run a single querkle, i will def be doing a scrog... but to be honest, thats sorta all up in the air for now... i.m gonna be quite busy with my current breeding projects for awhile... after the querkle is done, i will be doing 8-10 autos in party cups in my flowering case... half duurties and half jems... :)

sorry no piks today... will have some up monday or tuesday... i.ll prolly have a busy weekend i.m sure... so... happy halloween guys and catch ya on the flip side...
So I ended up harvesting my pandora. Today makes nine weeks from seed, so I went for it. My querkle looks like complete shit again. Any time I go out of town for a bit, it feels like my plants know I.m gone. They always seem to get sickly while I'm gone. The querkle was just getting over being over watered. I then had to over water again to make up for me being gone. Luckily I have a healthy cutting off her. Her genes will be in use for a second. Long enough for me to figure out exactly what she needs.

Pics of the chop in a moment.