Indoor Micro cab, cfl, Biobizz and Mephisto seeds

We have similar size cabs - cooling has been a real pain with me too - the only advice I can offer having tried all sorts of modifications (i want to use passive air intake only) is to try moving fans (or indeed removing - sometimes less = more cooling). You can see my Mephisto grow in the link in my signiture. I normally grow outdoors and get to moan about it being cold and wet rather than hot n dry :D

Enjoy your grow - I'll tag along for fun.
We have similar size cabs - cooling has been a real pain with me too - the only advice I can offer having tried all sorts of modifications (i want to use passive air intake only) is to try moving fans (or indeed removing - sometimes less = more cooling). You can see my Mephisto grow in the link in my signiture. I normally grow outdoors and get to moan about it being cold and wet rather than hot n dry :D

Enjoy your grow - I'll tag along for fun.
Good to have you along. I've ordered a small pump, the final component for a little swamp cooler. I'm interested to see if it has any effect. I'll let you know if it's worth the effort anyway. I'm thinking of trying a small gorilla run this year too, so I might pick brain your at some point about growing outside this far north!
Things are moving along nicely in the cab these last few days. The addition of more intake had little effect on the temperaure problems, but I am venting into the same room so that's probably why. I put together a little evaporative cooler which has worked really well though, so it seems I have it under control for now. I have a couple of pictures to show what it is. It's just a 120mm pc fan and small submersible pump connected to one 12v adapter, pumping water over a cooler pad (Which in my case is a large sheet of filter for an industrial vac. Not much call for evaporative coolers or there paraphernalia around these parts usually!) The fan is pulling the air through holes in the side of a handy little flip top bin.
Temps were spiking to 32 at times, with 25% RH. In the 3 days since I added the cooler, the peak was 28 once, averaging 26/27 with RH of 45%, so I'm really happy with it.


Plants are doing really well since they started on the veg nutes and their environment became a bit more pleasant for them. Both 15cm tall, though shaped completely differently. I'm going to start some LST in the next day or two, once I get a chance to pick some of the soft tie wire.
Here they are yesterday, Day 18. Both have shown sex. That makes 2 baby girls, and one more due in 2 weeks.:yay:

Tyrone special



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Quick update to show how the girls have responded to the LST. Started 2 days ago and already there is lots of new growth shooting up. It's incredible the speed that these plants do there stuff!
I've been feeding them every second day with 1ml/1lt of both Veg and Root Juice, and they had a once off feed of epsom sats and an eggshell brew a week ago which I will do again today. I will also add some blackstrap molasses for the first time today, and up the veg to 1.5ml/1lt

Day 21. Day 2 of LST. AvT on the left, Tyrone Special on the right.

LST Day Three (Day 21).jpg
Thanks man. It's good to have you along. No worries. I'm really happy with how it's working for such a simple idea. If you have any questions about it, just shoot.
Looking good, subbed as well, heat can be an issue but typically comes down to design or inadequate airflow, i noticed that your filter is mounted down one of the corners, creating a pocket of hot air above, is it still like that ?

If Yes try mounting it right up against the roof, also standard kinda rule is always have at least twice the sq area for a passive intake as your exhaust.

With some of my first boxes that was where my heat issues came from, until i started building them to scavenge hot air from the top, and also had enough passive intake and air being pulled through.
I am no expert, but I would use 3 g epsom salt once a week on plants that size and wait another 2-3 weeks and use small amounts of molasses and 3-5 g epsom salt. After 40-50 days, depending on the plant size and how leafy it is, go up to 10g epsom salt. If you see yellowing of lower leaves, use more Mg. If you see yellowing in the upper leaves, you may need to start adding extra Ca.

Keep base nutes low and minerals high. However, don't add extra P/K before flowering. During flowering you need both Ca and Mg, amounts depending on plant size. Mg is the necessary ion for chlorophyl as iron is necessary for your hemoglobin.

Have a look at the Plant Science link in my signature. There you can learn theory. Practise we learn from our expert brothers and sisters here at AFN and by trial and hopefully not too much error in your own lab.

The easy way of using epsom salt, MgSO4.
MgSO4 has high solubility in water. A stock solution is easy made. Dissove 70'g in warm warer. When completely dissived, add warer to 200 ml and you have a sol'n at 0.35 mg/ml.

I keep stock sol'n and take out 3.5-7g (10-20 ml) for adult plants and 5-10 ml for small plants.

I have written about the essential role of Mg2+ in energy metabolism. Shory verion is that Mg is the centrally coordinated in every molecule of chorophyll and evert molecule of ATP excists as ATP-Mg.

Using my recommended doses, no toxicity will be observed. Rather increase in growth is the result if a slight excess og Mg2+ in the medium. I cannot prove it scientifically, but it is an observation in the garden. The day I have space and can afford growing slightly suboptimsl plants, I will run the same strain under different condtitions.
The initial experiment would be to observe twp cohorts identical plants, ideally clones. On cohort is given base nutes only, the other cohort gets all the additives. As a contol, we need a plat that is fed water only throughout its life.