Indoor Micro cab, cfl, Biobizz and Mephisto seeds

Mar 25, 2014
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Hey guys. I've been meaning to get this started since the seeds popped, but you know how it is. Mrs House is almost ready to drop our first, so there's been a seemingly endless list of things to paint, or move, or paint and move for the past couple of weeks. Almost at the end now, I hope. :coffee2: I will admit, the place is looking a lot better, but I'm feeling it. lol

I ordered one AvT and one Tyrone Special and recieved two of each, plus two more free Heisenhound. Thanks a lot to the guys at @mephisto for that!
1 Seeds.jpg

So the cabinet is a DIY Birch ply cabinet, made to fiit in with other furniture in the room. It's not fully finished yet, as I will replace the doors with fresh sheets, and add handles when I get the chance.
3 Closed Cab.jpg

It's 700x500x1000, and the same space above (minus the space the inline fan takes up) will be used to veg two more girls shortly after these go into flower, all going well.
At the minute it has one 250w cfl cool white
2 80cm fans hanging either side of the light for air circulation and a 4 inch inline fan rated for 100cfm.
Intake is passive. One 4 inch hole at the bottom of the box.
2 Set-up 1.jpg

(Not exactly as it is now, but more or less as it looks on the inside.)

I've been having pretty high temperature, and low humidity from the start. Up until yesterday the girls didn't seem to mind it at all, in fact I've really been surprised how quickly these plants grow. But it spiked yesterday and the day before at 32 degrees at the high point of the day.
Average has been 28 with humidity around 30%
I'm going to increase the size of the intake tomorrow and see if that has any effect on things.

They were germed in paper towels, and put in peat pellets once the tap root was a centimeter or so long. The Tyrone special was quicker to crack, and emerge from the soil by about a day.
Soil is Biobizz Allmix with about 30% added perlite.
They've been watered every second day with ph balanced water and Biobizz Root Juice at 1ml/1lt
I added the Biobizz Veg at 1ml/1lt for thefirst time yesterday, (Day 12)

Here's some shots of how they've progressed to date.

Tyrone Special Day 1.
5 Tyrone Day 1.jpg

AvT Day 1.
4 AvT 01-05 Day 1.jpg

Both Day 1.
6 Both Day 1.jpg

Both Day 3.
7 Both Day 3.jpg

Both Day 7.
8 Both Day 7.jpg

Both Day 13
9 Both Day 12.jpg

Tyrone Special Day 13.
10 Tyrone Day 13.jpg

AvT Day 13.
11 AvT Day 13.jpg

The plants now have a very slight odd yellowing on some leaves, and some are curled at the edge. I noticed it yesterday, which was the second day of the temperature spike, so I'm assuming that caused it. They hadn't had any veg nutrients to this point either, so I'm not sure if that contributed to the issues. Or if it's something separate altogether. The plants seem to have continued growing at their normal rate over night despite the issue, but I'd like to rectify it now, so any input would be much appreciated.

Here are some pictures of the issues

12 Leaf color.jpg

Leaf curl
13 Leaf Curl.jpg

I plan to grow the Heisenhound next, along with a more med specific strain, so any input and advice on that would be great. Something for chronic pain. TMJ specifically. I've had it for a few years now, but i's really been beating me up, and keeping me up of late so I need something with strong pain killing and sleep inducing affects.
I hope everyone is keeping well. Feel free to add any input or advice you may have. This is my first attempt, so any input would be appreciated.



  • 1 Seeds.jpg
    1 Seeds.jpg
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Nice set up! Hope you don't mind me following your journal.

Nice plants, but I think they would like to be fed. You will be surprised over how much minerals they consume. As everone learn here, be careful with the base nutes. However, I have noticed that magnesium supplement may be a good idea from the beginning. I use epsom salt (MgSO4) every 2 waterings and feeding base nutes every 4-5 days with pure, pH adjusted water once or twice in between.

This I learned mostly from trail and error. I have 2 Dutch Passion Super Skunk and a Seedsman White Widow. The Super Skunks like to dry up between waterings and like light watering. The Widow drinks 1 1/2 L a day. You have to get a feel for your plants as they grow.

And instead of buying expensive carboload products, buy black strap molasses. That adds some minerals too.
@TomAuto Thanks man. I think the little increase in the intake should sort out the temp problem. Humidity is the other thing though. It`s 60% or more outside here constantly, but the box never reaches 40%. They will have their second feed of veg nutes today so hopefully they respond well.

Thanks @Dr. Babnik I`m glad to have you tagging a long. Would you use epsom salts and molasses together? Starting both now?
I have noticed that the Alien vs Triangle drinks a bit quicker than the Tyrone, even though it's not as tall. It doesn't seem to bother her to wait until the Tyrone is ready for water either.

Do either of you have an opinion on whether or not a mini swamp cooler would have any effect on the conditions in the box? I've read they only work well in dry, hot climates, and while that isn't the case outside, it's definitely the case inside the cab. I have all the parts to make one, except a small submersible pump which I can pick up handy enough. It might be a worthwhile experiment just to satisfy my own curiosity anyway.
@TomAuto Thanks man. I think the little increase in the intake should sort out the temp problem. Humidity is the other thing though. It`s 60% or more outside here constantly, but the box never reaches 40%. They will have their second feed of veg nutes today so hopefully they respond well.

Thanks @Dr. Babnik I`m glad to have you tagging a long. Would you use epsom salts and molasses together? Starting both now?
I have noticed that the Alien vs Triangle drinks a bit quicker than the Tyrone, even though it's not as tall. It doesn't seem to bother her to wait until the Tyrone is ready for water either.

Do either of you have an opinion on whether or not a mini swamp cooler would have any effect on the conditions in the box? I've read they only work well in dry, hot climates, and while that isn't the case outside, it's definitely the case inside the cab. I have all the parts to make one, except a small submersible pump which I can pick up handy enough. It might be a worthwhile experiment just to satisfy my own curiosity anyway.

I am no expert, but I would use 3 g epsom salt once a week on plants that size and wait another 2-3 weeks and use small amounts of molasses and 3-5 g epsom salt. After 40-50 days, depending on the plant size and how leafy it is, go up to 10g epsom salt. If you see yellowing of lower leaves, use more Mg. If you see yellowing in the upper leaves, you may need to start adding extra Ca.

Keep base nutes low and minerals high. However, don't add extra P/K before flowering. During flowering you need both Ca and Mg, amounts depending on plant size. Mg is the necessary ion for chlorophyl as iron is necessary for your hemoglobin.

Have a look at the Plant Science link in my signature. There you can learn theory. Practise we learn from our expert brothers and sisters here at AFN and by trial and hopefully not too much error in your own lab.

I've been saving eggshells and I dropped them into boiling water and took it off the heat and left it to brew this morning. I'm going to try get some epsom salts now and add it to this water. Can I mix the Biobizz Veg and Root Juice with this for their regular feed tonight, or should I keep it seperate? Thanks for the links. The resources are endless on here!