New Grower Mi5 short stuff

Hey Si,

They say patience is a virtue, but mate I think I'd need physical restraint to keep me away from that bud, fair play for the awesome grow and double fair play for hanging on till she's perfik!!

When your name popped up yesterday I thought I'd check out some of your threads, I know its all been said before but shit man that crash sounded horrific, really hope you all make a full recovery asap. :peace:
Hey Si,

They say patience is a virtue, but mate I think I'd need physical restraint to keep me away from that bud, fair play for the awesome grow and double fair play for hanging on till she's perfik!!

When your name popped up yesterday I thought I'd check out some of your threads, I know its all been said before but shit man that crash sounded horrific, really hope you all make a full recovery asap. :peace:
Thankyou dude and i have some purple kush left to see me throught another couple of weeks till shes ready :smokeit: aslo crash was shit bad but im getting a brand new car and a fair bit of compensation and most of all were all getting alot better so thanks m8 :peace: Si
LOL, your patience will be well rewarded!

the buds are looking bigger every other day im going to follow yours and Astros advice and leave them another week for once in my life im going to be patient and get the best result :smokebuds::smokeit::D:peace: Si
LOL, your patience will be well rewarded!
:D i had a very long look at her before and there are so many new pistils but there in like bunches ontop of the existing buds and they seem very very hard :peace: Si i realy realy looking forward to this harvest :smokeit:
Just saw your whole journal cause I ordered some M15 also.. looking really nice bro
Just saw your whole journal cause I ordered some M15 also.. looking really nice bro
Thankz for taking the time to check out my grow mate she realy is a nice grow and smells so lush shes packed on some healthy weight now you wont be disserpointed with your mi5 seeds. Only reason mine went bump on the leaves is because i wasnt able to look after her and i didnt have a timer which i do now thanks to the advice of Mr piggy i should of anyway just didnt think id need it as i was always on time but you carnt count on nature and natrual disasters :peace: Si
Week 10 update

Hey guys my girl is now at about 10weeks and my oh my she smells good and thanks to Muddy and Astro im leaving it another week and im glad to be doing that as shes packing on some weight now the main cola is leaning with the rock hard dense smelly fat buds :D:dance:.
I Have just been to put her to bed for a 6hrs so thought id take a couple of snaps there not the best but for harvest pics im going to borrow my parents nikon for the shots as its nice and frosty but carnt capture it with my duff cam :cuss: im realy looking forward to the harvest and to smoke a realy big blunt to celabrate as the tester smokes ive had are great i realy do like the smoke it chills me out and helps ease the aches and pains in my back and neck. Enjoy the pics and thanks for looking :peace: Si

10weeks 10wks (4).jpg10wks (3).jpg10wks (2).jpg10wks.jpg
looking super spiffy!!:booya:the buds have eaten up about 30% of the leaves, one more week and your ready to dry, give about another three to four weeks cure, and i will be over to test it for you!:dance2:how are you going to cure the buds?? whats your method?