New Grower Mi5 short stuff

To me they look like they have about 3 more weeks to go, so you may want to give them another feeding before you start to flush. Then flush for 2 weeks before you harvest. Even though they were damaged they still have a lot of green leaves. As the plant uses up that stored energy your buds will fatten up a lot more.

i might just do that muddy but do you realy think i will gain a little extra even tho she has a lot of damaged leaves? Also i took a sample a few days ago and quick dried it going to sample it in 10 min lol but i looked at the trichombes and they are 50/50 cloudy and amber but there are still some clear is this normal? :peace: Si
All that green that you still see is energy that the plant has stored in the fan leaves. As the plant draws off that stored energy the buds fatten up more. Even though yours have been damaged, they still have a lot of green in them. Yes, it always seems that there are still a few clear trics. When you chop them also depends on what kind of high/stone you want. Picking earlier gives more of a head high, later more of a body stone.
thanks for the quick reply Muddy and i like more of a head high but id like to see how much of a body stone i can get from growing my own :peace: Si
Si if you like a head high I can say this baby can give a good one, I was almost tripping after smoking a couple of nuggs with all cloudy trics :bong: My girl was a mix of +50% amber at the top and mostly cloudy midway down to the bottom. The top half has been put into cure and the bottom half dried to smoke now as times are tight! :smokebuds:


Si if you like a head high I can say this baby can give a good one, I was almost tripping after smoking a couple of nuggs with all cloudy trics :bong: My girl was a mix of +50% amber at the top and mostly cloudy midway down to the bottom. The top half has been put into cure and the bottom half dried to smoke now as times are tight! :smokebuds:


i had a tester smoke last night and im actualy having one now :D i think its a nice smoke and decided im going to harvest next monday (not tomorrow) i need to make space for the two im germing now so ive got another thread it the auto bubble and auto bomb one mate ill update this mi5 next weekend when i put her in the dark for a few days :peace: Si
Im so dense ive only just realised that my Mi5 is because of STITCH for bringing her to life so thanks dude your the reason for the beautiful nugs and gorgeous smell on my girl not to mention the frostyness :peace: Si
day 63 from first set

Hey guys just some pics at day 63 from getting the first set of true leaves i started to flush her on sunday as im going to harvest next weekend trichomes are mainly cloudy but there is a realy good amount off amber trichomes the buds have fattend up loads in the last week and the main cola feels rock soil and extreamly dense buds the smell is truely amazing and the tester smoke i had was realy nice i dont know if anyone else experience all cloudy trichs and a medical value i had realy sever back and neck pain last night so made a nice :smoke: all my pain seemed to go away and i felt extreamly relaxed with a nice mellowed out stone i also smoked some today and it is defo a day time smoke st this stage.
I remoed some of the leaves as the were very brittle when touched and some i just tipped them (i know your not supposed to) its since doing this that the buds seem to have got fatter :2cents:
Enjoy :peace: Si
hey brother, a job well done!:bow:some honey dripper buds!:drool:i did lose track of what you have been doing, i cruise the side bar at the right, and have not noticed your posts> my bad! muddy says let them go..... i agree, but it's awful tough! if you have some pain killer meds, it makes it easy!
to wait. i have the same problem, one girl is 50/50 milky and amber the other two all milky, two different phenos! i am letting the mature girl go, until the other girls are showing amber. right now they are all milky. have you checked out my girls?
hey brother, a job well done!:bow:some honey dripper buds!:drool:i did lose track of what you have been doing, i cruise the side bar at the right, and have not noticed your posts> my bad! muddy says let them go..... i agree, but it's awful tough! if you have some pain killer meds, it makes it easy!
to wait. i have the same problem, one girl is 50/50 milky and amber the other two all milky, two different phenos! i am letting the mature girl go, until the other girls are showing amber. right now they are all milky. have you checked out my girls?
main reason for chopping this week is ive put 2 new ones in my tent and didnt want to spare the light as shes not going to be a photo finesh so mabe my next 2 will ill bob along and check your girls out i too have lonst track of where im up to as i was in hospital but im trying to catch up with everyone so many and every time i catch up on one the others have like 5more pages lol :peace: Si
Si i didnt get a chance to see those pics bro .....I cant find the attachments or what not .......wanna see that beauty bro .......she sounds delicious