Outdoor MI5 fem and Auto Assassin fem grow



Hi everyone. This is my 1st time growing auto flowers and I am growing outdoors and indoors. I have a terrace which I keep the girls out on nice days and bring indoors for more light or stay indoors during rain or heavy winds. Here is the current indoor setup. Homebox XL with Pro air kit with carbon filter and 1 fan. 250 watt CFL till flowering starts, then I will hook up 600 watt HPS. Using 11 liter pots with Plagron Royalty mix soil. After 6 days I used Rootfast from ATAMI and used till week 2. 1/2 recommended dosage. Currently using Atazyme from ATAMI at 1/2 recommended dosage. Will keep using this till flowering starts.
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Ordered MI5 and Auto Assassin fem from Cannapot Hemcy. Very good service, fair prices and great selection :)

I started 5 MI5 and 5 Assassin's with paper towel method. By day 3 all poped and were put into the 11 liter pots. I have pics of their start but will not bother posting them. I am at day 17 today and will post pics from this day and update biweekly till flowering starts.

Both MI5 and Assassin have 1 runt each.

All 10
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MI5 day 17
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Auto Assassin day 17
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View attachment 12226View attachment 12225The shadow is from me. They get full sunlight 8-9hrs a day when weather is good. So far they have gotten 10 days of direct sun. Hopefully much more to come :) Any tips or advice is very much appreciated. I will update next week. Stay safe and thanks for taking a look :)
Speed & Safety for them Bro.....:thumbs:

They are looking Green and Healthy...

Any tips or advice is very much appreciated

Auto's Adore Outdoor.....sunshine karma sent..:D
sunshine karma sent
Thanks brother :D
Quick question to anyone that has grown these strains. Are these alright to top? or is sticking with a single cola better? I hear that some auto's do not like to be topped and it seems other strains there is no problem. If I am gonna top them, the end of this week or mid next week would be the time to do it, beings they are really starting some good growth. Thanks in advance :D
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Do you want to top them because you need to keep the hight down, or is it just for multi tops? I have grown lots of mi5 (and im growing auto assasin now for the first time), I dont think its worth topping them, I dont think you will increase your yeild and they will just take a bit longer to grow. if you need to keep the hight down lst works well.

This is Mi5 grown outdoors in the uk, you can see how large they can get, thats without topping or lst.

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Thanks for the kind advice Mr.Mcgregor. Really nice looking Ladies. What kind of weight did you get from that crop? From the looks of your pic's I will defo LST them. I cannot have them over 120cm, if they go over that then they will be visible and that would not be a good thing.
As your growing in 11l pots they wont get anywhere near as big as those so the hight might not be a problem, bit of lst wont hurt them though :) The 3 plants in the photo above gave me well over 12oz bone dry, I had so much of it hanging up all over the place I was finding branches everywhere up untill christmas!!

Is odor an iussue for you, some of the Mi5 phenos can be really stinky!!! imo the stinky phenos are the best taste/high
I don't think smell will be to big of an issue (fingers crossed). I live in a condo, but in the countryside. I am on the 2nd floor (top) and the wind ALWAYs blows away to the outlaying fields. As far as indoors goes, I have a carbon filter set up in my homebox to keep that section controlled. I also got some great advice from Wiz to plant some mint and jasmine on the terrace to help control that. I had no luck finding jasmine yet, but I have plenty of mint to rub to create a wonderful smell. That in combination with some stinky herb should make for a nice smelling terrace :D I will start to LST these little girls in another week or 2. It all depends on how fast they stretch. Thanks again for the kind advice. It is always so helpful when dealing with a new strain or a new set of rules like with auto's. I am so excited for these lil girls to flower. I am hoping in the next 2-3 weeks I will see some action. I have a magic flight launch box ordered and will have it to enjoy the rewards these girls will provide :D
Those are beauties Mr.Mcgregor. Those seem to be a perfect size and for sure with a little LST'ing. I really appreciate you posting these pics! I am already so excited and these photos just make my mouth water :D I am hoping to be able to give a smoke report on these sometime in early August. I have never smoked or grown autoflowers but when I ran into this site I was convinced they were worth a try for a early summer test grow on the terrace. I will grow my typical herb (Ice Cream and White Berry) indoors this fall, because I find growing indoors during summer a huge hassle and these are the answer to my needs. Thanks again brother :D
Day 22. Alright, here is an update. I fucked up last Week and got some nutes on one of my mi5's and the same mi5 also had a visit from an inch worm. They had to stay indoors for 2 days of bad weather, but the forecast looks great for the next 7-8 days :)

View attachment 12578View attachment 12579View attachment 12580View attachment 12581View attachment 12582View attachment 12588This last pic is the one that got hit by me and the inch worm :(

Auto Assassin
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I am hoping to see some sex by the end of this week or early next week. Not sure how long either of these strains usually take to show, but soon I hope :D
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