MH increase resin production?


Trichome Hunter
Oct 22, 2012
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I picked up a 4000K MH bulb to flower under because the spectral graph for MH shows that it has a much more balanced range of light than HPS. So far so good, my bud is crystally and rock hard!
I've thought about getting a 3000k mh bulb but I hear it decreases your yeild so what I'll probably do it run my 600 mh next to my 1000w HPS for the last 2 weeks
nice read........
I run my MH with LED grow lights and sometimes CFL too. I feel they get plenty of red with the LEDs.
Nice man, I'm thinking I might make myself a finisher tent and put my 600mh a t5 and one of my LEDs in my 4x4 tent and I'll use this for the last 2 weeks to increase potency and taste
There exists evidence that cannabis grown at altitude is stronger than that grown at sea level. The theory being that the trichome is a sun screen, with resin production related to intensity of UV. Cannabis Botany texts refer to such. If so, then adding more UV to a tent will have the same effect resulting in stronger buds.

When choosing MH or HPS, the lack of lumens for the same power is evident in the MH. Ahah but lumens are not PAR you may say. Yet the HPS spectrum is a better fit for the main chlorophyll receptors too meaning bigger buds. Not much in favor of MH so far. The show stopper fact is that normal glass is entirely opaque to UV light. UV bulbs have to be made with special glass to let it through. Thus you are supplying more blue to your plants via the MH but no UV.

Reptile bulb CFLs produce UV light which the reptiles need. They also have another peak in the blue. Thus they are perfect compliment to the spectrum of a HPS. They give you both the UV and the blue that the HPS lacks. They are cheap, they consume little power. For those that want pure UVB, there are the philips narrowband UV tubes, sold as psoriasis lamps. Avoid UVC lamps. These are sold for water sterilisation, the light directly damages bacterial DNA, it will do the same to you too.
Actually, HPS is severely lacking in the blue and also in the far red (660nm range); most of the light produced by HPS is yellow, which is unusable. MH bulbs DO give off UV, which is why they are often sold only for use in enclosed fixtures, although the better bulbs are designed to minimize UV exposure. Additionally, there are photoreceptive compounds like Beta Carotene which absorb light outside the blue and red peaks we are most familiar with; MH replicates sunlight much better than HPS does.

Incidentally I use a reptile UV bulb too. :)
7 spectrum LED all the way bro :D
My GF works for her parents water filtration company and use UV T5 bulbs to run down there pipes, its kills all bacteria and bugs.

Do you think I may be there same thing in your grow room? Iv never heard of anyone with spider mite or other bug problems with LED with uv bulb?