NEWS Mexico just published the law that is expected to pass within days

Sep 2, 2019
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Durban Poison
They just published the new law:
Marijuana Moment – 18 Oct 19

Mexican Committees Unveil Marijuana Legalization Bill Ahead Of Supreme Court...
Several Mexican Senate committees unveiled draft legislation late on Thursday to legalize marijuana. Leaders of the Health, Justice, Public Security and Legislative Studies Committees announced last week that they would remain in permanent session to...

This is the take away:
—Adults 18 and older can possess cannabis for personal use, cultivate up to four plants and purchase marijuana from licensed retailers.

—An independent body called the “Cannabis Institute” would be charged with issuing licenses, setting potency limits and monitoring the implementation of the law, among other responsibilities.
—Low-income individuals, small farmers and indigenous people would have licensing priority.
—Strict restrictions would be imposed on cannabis packaging. That includes requiring nondescript, standardized containers that do not feature depictions of real or fictional people or testimonials.
—Marijuana can only be consumed in private spaces.
—Only medical cannabis patients would be allowed to purchase infused edibles and beverages.
—Unregistered seeds or plants would be subject to forfeiture.
—No pesticides could be used on cannabis plants.

What do you all think about edibles for medical only? I PERSONALLY think there should be some kind of check and balance for edibles. Before y’all jump on me remember, this is my opinion and everyone knows as such it don’t mean shit except to me. The reasons I have for saying this are both personal and public. I have been smoking pot for over fifty years and in all that time the only times I have wanted the effects to stop has been on edibles. On the flip side some of the most fun times I’ve had on cannabis have been on edibles. My major concern is the uneducated and inexperienced. How many of us know people that edibles were their first experience and because of an overindulgence won’t even talk about pot again? How many of us know of accidental ingestions? My friends mother came to visit a few months back and was looking for something to snack on and found a frozen brownie stuck in the back of the freezer. She microed it and ate it and 45 minutes later she was higher than a laboratory rat. Her first experience. 71 years old. They were about 30 seconds away from hopping in the car and driving to the hospital. Poor woman will never be the same. I remember in the recent past lying on the bathroom floor because it was cool, sweating like a pig, hoping if I got sick I could get my head up over the toilet rim. LOL. I admit I took that upon myself with completely wide open eyes and don’t really see it as a bad time, just long. But what about the amateurs? In the end I have never seen a first timer overdose on smoke or vape but mucho on edibles. I don’t have the answers, do you? Maybe Mexico is on the right track by making you consult and get a card. Who knows? Gotta go. My magical butter machine timer just dinged. ;)
They just published the new law:
Marijuana Moment – 18 Oct 19

Mexican Committees Unveil Marijuana Legalization Bill Ahead Of Supreme Court...
Several Mexican Senate committees unveiled draft legislation late on Thursday to legalize marijuana. Leaders of the Health, Justice, Public Security and Legislative Studies Committees announced last week that they would remain in permanent session to...

This is the take away:
—Adults 18 and older can possess cannabis for personal use, cultivate up to four plants and purchase marijuana from licensed retailers.

—An independent body called the “Cannabis Institute” would be charged with issuing licenses, setting potency limits and monitoring the implementation of the law, among other responsibilities.
—Low-income individuals, small farmers and indigenous people would have licensing priority.
—Strict restrictions would be imposed on cannabis packaging. That includes requiring nondescript, standardized containers that do not feature depictions of real or fictional people or testimonials.
—Marijuana can only be consumed in private spaces.
—Only medical cannabis patients would be allowed to purchase infused edibles and beverages.
—Unregistered seeds or plants would be subject to forfeiture.
—No pesticides could be used on cannabis plants.

What do you all think about edibles for medical only? I PERSONALLY think there should be some kind of check and balance for edibles. Before y’all jump on me remember, this is my opinion and everyone knows as such it don’t mean shit except to me. The reasons I have for saying this are both personal and public. I have been smoking pot for over fifty years and in all that time the only times I have wanted the effects to stop has been on edibles. On the flip side some of the most fun times I’ve had on cannabis have been on edibles. My major concern is the uneducated and inexperienced. How many of us know people that edibles were their first experience and because of an overindulgence won’t even talk about pot again? How many of us know of accidental ingestions? My friends mother came to visit a few months back and was looking for something to snack on and found a frozen brownie stuck in the back of the freezer. She microed it and ate it and 45 minutes later she was higher than a laboratory rat. Her first experience. 71 years old. They were about 30 seconds away from hopping in the car and driving to the hospital. Poor woman will never be the same. I remember in the recent past lying on the bathroom floor because it was cool, sweating like a pig, hoping if I got sick I could get my head up over the toilet rim. LOL. I admit I took that upon myself with completely wide open eyes and don’t really see it as a bad time, just long. But what about the amateurs? In the end I have never seen a first timer overdose on smoke or vape but mucho on edibles. I don’t have the answers, do you? Maybe Mexico is on the right track by making you consult and get a card. Who knows? Gotta go. My magical butter machine timer just dinged. ;)

Personally think it's a very well thought out law, something I'll probably never see in the UK where I live.

Low income priority, packaging regs, pesticides. Some really fine points.
I think it's a reasonably well thought out law.
I hear you on edibles but how many of us Drank too much the first few times we got drunk???
People need to treat edibles and weed the same way.

My ex was floored by a 15mg edible when 100mg and I am still fine.
Cool I am in the USA so its legal in the country to the north Canada and soon to be legal in the country to the south Mexico . :420:
I think the coffee shop system is better than having dispenceries for weed. I also think that if smoking is not allowed in anywhere else than the privacy of your own home, not only are coffee shops great for smoking, but it should also state that coffee shops cant say that you can only smoke weed bought from them in their shop. But ofc the shop can always say that you need to buy something to stay there, like a cup of coffee. I think its also good idea to not allow serving of alcohol in places that sell weed, but it shouldnt be illegal to smoke in a bar if the barkeeper allows it in his bar.

What comes to amount of plants, imo limit should be 6 flowering female plants(!) and 12 or more flowering female plants for medical patients depending on how much weed(and for how long) is prescribed for him by his doctor. If you smoke before bed time for insomnia, treating your condition should not require as much weed to treat than someone who needs high doses of high potency extracts all day all night. 4 plants aint shit to someone like that, except maybe if he grows some real monsters with skills.

People with serious conditions should also be able to buy extracts at heavily discounted price, either tax free(not enough discount imo) or some moneyback from government to who ever sold the weed for the patient for very low price.

I think having a higher age restriction on edibles and extracts could work better than only selling them to medical patients.

Imo age restriction for weed should be 21 or at least 20. I think it could also be a good idea that you would need a licence from a doctor to buy weed, even if its for recreational use. Someone with psychotic symptoms for example should not have the license and if someone is heavily depressed for example, they could be guided to better treatment than substance abuse. Doctor could also educate on risks of cannabis etc. for example to ask about psychiatric illnesses that run in the family etc for harm reduction. Major risk of cannabis is the fact that it can trigger psychotic episodes or straigh out schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. With this kind of required talk with a doctor to smoke(buy) weed, that risk could nearly be eliminated.

All in all pretty nice law tho :D
In Canada we can grow only 4 and seeds have to come from government run store and they have only had 1 strain of seed to buy the past year.
De -criminalzation is better then legalization imo. before we went legal we could legally buy seeds, not no more.
Mexican Committees Unveil Marijuana Legalization Bill Ahead Of Supreme Court...
What about the Cartels? Won't they will strongly oppose with their brand of violence.
I am glad to be in Michigan . We can grow 12 plants recreational yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaa !:woohoo:
I guess that's one too many.
11 plants and you are fine, 12 and you are in trouble ;)

Less than 12 plants for personal useNo PenaltyNone$ 0
12 - 24 plantsCivil InfractionNone$ 500
25 - 200 plantsFelony7 years$ 500,000
More than 200 plantsFelony15 years$ 10,000,000