New Grower MephistoGen Super soil newbie's 1st grow - AVT, Sour Hound, 4 Ass Monkey

Oh course gotta rep that MephistoGenetics @mephisto and @BigSm0

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Loving the look of your girl. I'm subbed.

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Check out my grows.
Pots are still heavy from yesterday, I only game them 6.0ph water. AVT was looking a bit dark, I was a complete idiot and was over enthused and forgot it was a super soil mix lol..... good thing I only gave them a light feed prior. So from now on I'll be giving them just water and rhizo (rhizo only for first 2-3 weeks). Then of course I'll pay attention to them and adjust if required.

AVT - day 14

So I topped her off last night, 3 solid nodes by day 13!! so I took the leap when my friend advised me to top her @jelly0 she's looking good still after 1 day of recovery, hoping for her speedy recovery!!

4AM & SH - day 12

Looking healthy!! I'm prolly gonna top them off as well, I just need their neck to come out a little bit more so I don't damage the nodes below.

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Hey now I just mentioned it to you, you were the one eager to do it lol! But the girls are looking great... it was very bold of you to top on your first grow hah keep us updated
I like topping just because of my height restrictions.

Sent from my comfy chair.
Check out my grows.
My friend stopped by yesterday and hooked me up with some stuffz for a simple compost tea!! Some root stimulates, and molasses. I had some organic compost sitting around for my veggie garden, I'm excited to give it to the babies a day from now.

AVT - day 17

Her pot is still heavy, but I have her some tucking so her lower nodes get some light :)


SH&4AM 15

So I topped them off 2 days ago, and their recovering nicely, pots still have weight so I'll just wait for the tea.


4AM - she's super loose as it is, so no tucking needed :)


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How do you like those cobs ?
Can’t wait to see how things turn out in the next month or so! Subed

Amnesia AF -First Grow
The cobs are great!! Super convenient you can move them around with ease, I have 2 reflectors for if I needed to concentrate in a small section. I highly recommend them, there on sale right now too!

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Heyooo happy friends! I brewed some compost tea 38 hours ago and it was ready this morning. The girls were super thirsty so I gave them a generous amount, really looking forward to how they react to it, if all goes well, ima give them tea once a week! Did some research, tea goes really well with super soil grows! I won't have to for 3-4 days, but I'll check every day regardless. Ohh I'm also spraying (mist) them with overgrow once a day :)

AVT - 450ML
SH - 500ML (Fabric airpot)
4AM - 450ML

The tea was simple; barrowed my buddies air pump @jelly0
1 generous hand full organic compost
2 tablespoons azos and mykos
1 gal filtered water (no chlorine !!)
2 tablespoons kelp extract
1 cup of earthworm castings
1/4 cup molasses
1 tablespoon yucca extract

AVT - she's 4" tall I have her cob at 26 inches

SH - 4" tall, cobs at 28" so far the happiest plant I have!!


4AM - tallest 5", cob is at 30"


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