New Grower Mephisto Sour Crack under Telos 0006 v1.1

Day 14. I'll be giving them the BioTabs tonight. The leaves on them are curling a bit more than I'd like. Plant [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] at the back-left is a lot bigger than the others and is kinda monstrous looking. The soil is still moist from day 1.





Noticed a bit of discoloration on one leaf today. Could it be a nutrient deficiency already? Or pH issue?

Oh yeah, when I was giving them the BioTabs yesterday I accidentally got a bit of dust from the tabs onto this plant. Could that be the cause?

Noticed a bit of discoloration on one leaf today. Could it be a nutrient deficiency already? Or pH issue?

Oh yeah, when I was giving them the BioTabs yesterday I accidentally got a bit of dust from the tabs onto this plant. Could that be the cause?

View attachment 1043399

I would reckon its the dust. Probably burnt her, being so young and delicate.
I didn’t feed my sour cracks anything at all for the first 30 days. Just water until they went light green on me

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I didn’t feed my sour cracks anything at all for the first 30 days. Just water until they went light green on me

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The fertilizer tabs take about a week to activate after their first watering. I probably won't water till tomorrow or the day after so they should start feeding around day 23 or 24. Hopefully not too soon.

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This is them at Day 20. The two on the right appear the healthiest and the biggest one is showing pistils. I tried a little bit of leaf tucking but she's not quite ready yet.


The one on bottom-left just isn't getting any better. The leaves are dark, shiny and crispy and clawing. I don't know how to help her. I'm guessing nitrogen toxicity. The soil is still moist from day 1. I squeezed the pot a bit to try and loosen it because it felt hard and compact at the base. She is still the tallest of the bunch though.
SC4_theclaw.jpg SC4_theclaw2.jpg

The plant on top-left hasn't really done anything the past few days and is the smallest by far. This one germinated way before the others and had a long taproot when planted. I read somewhere that hot soil can stunt a plant's growth. Maybe she got down to the All Mix too soon. Internodal spacing is small. I'm wondering if she'd benefit from the light being raised a little.

Help is appreciated, thanks.
i think they ok :thumbsup: not perfect but ok.perhaps a tad rich on the N but not enough to panic flush.size wise better than ok :smokeit:they will take off soon :growing:
good luck n keep er lit
i think they ok :thumbsup: not perfect but ok.perhaps a tad rich on the N but not enough to panic flush.size wise better than ok :smokeit:they will take off soon :growing:
good luck n keep er lit

Groovy, thanks for quick reply. I'd be freaking out every day if not for the lovely people on AFN. I know I shouldn't expect my first grow to go perfectly but I don't wanna make too many mistakes either.