Just a little update...
First - I'm dividing them into 2 groups insofar as "days" are counted: Group 1 will start at 2/18 (FE2 & 3, GG1) and Group 2 2/25 (FS1, WC1, GG2). Second - thus far the soil and feedings have gone well, the only issue I can really see is a little problem with nitrogen. The Greek Regimen:
- Group 1 has been getting 3/4 strength Nectar line for 2 feeds.
- Group 2 has gotten 3/4 strength of Medusa's Magic + Gaia Mania + Zeus Juice.
- Two days ago I did a HH + SLF-100 + ReCharge + Green MicroBiotics + Aphrodite’s Extraction for everyone.
- Next feeding Group 1 will get full feeding, Group 2 will be getting 1/2 full feeding.
Here's a question: I'm aware that Bloom Khaos needs a 1:6 ratio with HH to avoid deficiencies. But their own feeding guide seems to ignore this: early veg 5 ml/qt foliar BK & only 5ml HH. ???
Observation: So I germinated Group 1 at a very high heat by accident (~92-95F) and all of them have done well so far, aggressive growth. The rest were mixed temps, but mostly 78-82F and of those, 3 didn't make it (all seeds germinated within 24hrs). ???
Gold Glue 1 (GG1) - so fast, thick stem and large leaves.
Fantasmo Express 2 (FE2): So I tried to FIM a week ago instead of topping - my second attempt, failed again. Don't believe I'll be trying it again...
Fantasmo Express 3 (FE3)
Gold Glue 2 (GG2)
Fugue State 1 (FS1)
White Chem (WC1)
Not bad for 17 days...especially if you count my fuck-ups.