Here's some thumbnails just now of the Sour Bubbly, she's lookin' great!
Still no preflowers but looks like a winner! Finish Day 31:
8.20b 001.JPG 8.20b 002.JPG 8.20b 003.JPG 8.20b 004.JPG 8.20b 005.JPG

Not wanting to clog this thread on tips, and I won't. Thanks for your help.

I'm really suprised that she hasn't shown a pistil. I guess time is compressed just like her build. Maybe 24/0 lighting not ideal for this one?
The lack of pistil is odd to me. Usually mine start showing around 3 weeks but then again that's assuming 20/4 lighting is different in pistil development then 24/0. I know quite a few gents on here that run 24/0 with no issues.
Hi, when we do any of our f2, f3 runs, we run 24/0 for the first 3-4 weeks to select those to use that do show the auto trait.
However that's in 1.5 Litre pots which does inky experience increase the speed of them showing sex.
This is the first instance I've heard of a sour bubbly not showing pistils at this stage:
So please keep us posted.
I think as I mentioned in the description you can come across some sour bubbly phenos that have a slightly extended veg time by a week, but they still showed sex at the same time as their quicker sisters.
She looks great though! You may just end up with a monster.
Kind regards, Mitch
Hi, when we do any of our f2, f3 runs, we run 24/0 for the first 3-4 weeks to select those to use that do show the auto trait.
However that's in 1.5 Litre pots which does inky experience increase the speed of them showing sex.
This is the first instance I've heard of a sour bubbly not showing pistils at this stage:
So please keep us posted.
I think as I mentioned in the description you can come across some sour bubbly phenos that have a slightly extended veg time by a week, but they still showed sex at the same time as their quicker sisters.
She looks great though! You may just end up with a monster.
Kind regards, Mitch

Thanks, Mitch, appreciate the insight. I was planning to cut the light back in the tent anyways--is there any problem with just going straight over to 18/6 in this case, or would you recommend I wait it out a bit and look for her to show sex?

And/or should I taper the light down an hour at a time every couple days?
I can offer my experience with nonflowering autos and another AFN member with the same strain not going auto.
The strain: Candy Kush by auto seeds.
My experience: at day 60 I still had no flowering action. I was advised to go total black out (I'm using tents) for 24 hours which I did with no respond by the plants within the next week so I went to 12/12 and my plants flowered with no hermies at all. I harvested around day 110.
The other AFN member did not go to a 12/12 light schedule and he went 120 plus days with his plants finally blooming, but he had to chop due to the plant out growing the space. Still his plant never hermied either.
Hopefully this info will put your mind slightly more at ease when you do decide to implement a revised lighting regime.
Cool, thanks, it's my first round of autos and I want to do this the right way!

Hope you're having a nice summer in Spain. I lived in Madrid for a year long ago and really enjoyed the culture.

Your work with autos is awesome!
It depends the strain and genetic combination, we never saw males in an f1 generation for a long time, until recently, the sour livers and livers x auto blues f1 put a few out.
It's pretty simple, at f1 or f2 you'll see them starting to flower whilst on 24/0 lighting regime whilst everything else (non auto) keeps on vegging like a normal photoperiod would :)

In the f2 generation this is perfect and those are the ones you're looking for.
At f1, those aren't the ones I'm looking for as it seems the auto trait is too strong whereas it should be recessive , and we are looking for the specimines most like their photoperiod parents to work with.
