Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Monday - Limited Edition Release

Mine shows the label was created but USPS is waiting for the package. I don't mind though. I already have more Mephisto seeds than I can grow in the next year, hehe.

These Monday drops have become an addiction, lol. I get a rush from seeing if I can get an order in before they sell out. The seeds themselves will have to wait a while before I can plant them.
Does anyone know how to establish which freebies you get? I was hyped up wondering which freebies would come, but they’re in a freebie bag with no info at all. Would be nice to know which freebies we get
Does anyone know how to establish which freebies you get? I was hyped up wondering which freebies would come, but they’re in a freebie bag with no info at all. Would be nice to know which freebies we get
Are you in US? US freebies ususally have label with crosses. I think CA or UK may have codes somewhere?
No number, or label?

Number 16 on the seed container. Meph uk site is down tho so I couldn’t check anything. Says 16 on pen, and 0.1 and 0.2 markings. Sorry lads I’m a first time buyer of Mephisto genetics. Could never get my hands on them. I have two seed freebies so dunno if they will both be the same Strain or?

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