Mephisto Genetics Mephisto & Mcdee... THIS IS JUST A TEST!!!

I needs me some livers action!! No idea on release date for dropping more so gots me antsy bugging Stan all the time for a release date!! Yours are looking great buddy! I’m only on day 44ish I think so trailing behind you by a bit! :thumbsup:
I needs me some livers action!! No idea on release date for dropping more so gots me antsy bugging Stan all the time for a release date!! Yours are looking great buddy! I’m only on day 44ish I think so trailing behind you by a bit! :thumbsup:
I got to admit I was setting up the TA for success, she got the Rain Science bag and my 1st attempt at a scrog. Thanks wish I could take credit, she deserves it tho. Over the last few weeks the LBX has really got my attention. Quickly exploding into a formidable opponent for the TA. I was worried she would get pushed to the side, she was very squat in the beginning. She has held her own and then some. As far as growing I would recommend her to anyone, she has been 1 of the easiest plant to grow in my 4yrs. Get you some bud she is lovely! Stay lifted.
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Cant wait to see those finish up!! Shouldn't be long now. Looks awesome keep up the good work. Toofless Alein seems to be the favorite from the testers, but no many people got their hands on the livers bx.
Looking great, these plants are looking so healthy... No signs of nute burn at all and Soo many tops !

That bag looks nice too
Cant wait to see those finish up!! Shouldn't be long now. Looks awesome keep up the good work. Toofless Alein seems to be the favorite from the testers, but no many people got their hands on the livers bx.
Thank you sir, there 2 terrific strains! Thank you for selecting me to have LBX, it's an honor no doubt. She has grown on me lol. I find my self taking more time with her lately. Could be I can do more on her, but I look at her 1st when I open the tent. Solid lady very balanced size wise, I think she a sleeper wish i had more room to bush her out more. Ran out of room story of my grows hahaha. I cant wait to press her think she will make some stanky sweet rosin. Stay lifted.
Looking great, these plants are looking so healthy... No signs of nute burn at all and Soo many tops !

That bag looks nice too
Well, got some nute burn on the TA its more noticeable. Got through veg pretty clean, but maybe little to hard in flower. I'm using same mix so not tune to individual plants. I got 2 kids at home and since we cant leave kinda hard to mix. Take a good bit of time to do 3-4gal so have to adapt and overcome as they say lol. I only do 2 plants normally and limited on space, so I've gotten good at training. Anyone can do it, easiest thing to do just gotta put the time in. It's in my COD, I'm a detailed anal kinda guy hahaha so it takes over and before I know it's been 45min - 1.5hr and shes looking good. It's like a challenge to me and I never back down from a challenge. When you love what you do it's never work!
Day 58

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@Gladiators Happy Cinco de Mayo! I dont normally tag everyone, but today is kinda special. 4yrs ago today I became a grower, and couldnt be prouder I did! Ed has it right, cannabis isnt addictive, but growing it is! Things you craft yourself are always more rewarding in the end.

These girls are just flat out sticky. Both are sweet smelling, the LBX has a light skunky funk in the background. This has been a very easy going grow knock wood lol.


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I'm very interested to see how they press. Dont smoke flower anymore so its important that they press out well, also I use rosin in my gummies so kinda needed. No reason to think they would press well, they re so frosty and seriously sticky should yield well for sure. Stay lifted.
Looking amazing. For some reason, I’m not getting alerts on a watched thread . Ugh! Sooo excited for the LiversBx !
Coconut oil works great to remove resin from hands etc! Rub some in, then add a little liquid handsoap. I hate gloves when trimming. When my hands get sticky, I just use some oil, and wipe off with a paper towel.

Ya, the LBX is almost up to the fab. Never thought she would get this size. She is getting FROSTY as hell, I mean she is gonna look white in pics. Make some excellent rosin I bet. Gotta press to see, but its irritatingly sticky to touch. I have to use gojo to get off my hands lol. Both smell sweet when smelling hands, but no distinct smell in air kinda just weed'ish.
Looking amazing. For some reason, I’m not getting alerts on a watched thread . Ugh! Sooo excited for the LiversBx !
Sorry, I have had that happen too. I will start tagging. Im a little laid back on promoting my journals lol, seen not heard kinda guy. So use to being hush about bud not use to saying look at me. I try to post often every few days so my post is on top of the list, but can be easily fixed lol. Had a little issue with the TA been taking photos to post for journal so need time to see how she has progressed. She looks better???? Not sure I go in so much blinded to change. Need to go back and look at pics to see change and how long it span. Other issues... broke some equipment and been scrambling to fix hahaha! Couldn't press rosin for well, not sure? Feels like 3 weeks so havent been actually high for a while. Took care of that last night lol. 1 problem down on to the next... Stay lifted.