Mephisto Genetics Mephisto & Mcdee... THIS IS JUST A TEST!!!

Gonna grow a giant in that huh nice. Cost is my main reason for staying with Greenleaf. Nothing comes close in cost. I’ve had good luck with it having a hiccup or two that I’m sure was me.
I need to learn to see shit happening before it gets bad. The isolation of illegal growing has me limited at advancing my understanding of the signs they tip. I see it to late, or not sure what I'm seeing. Is it this... maybe it's that???? These are things that I feel I would learn better from in person learning not from text or pictures.
Day 54

What's going on everyone, are you feeling good? I hope so, if not take a sec take a few hits or a dab whatever it is you like to do! Now we're ready... Starting to look very illegal in here lol. I love practicing civil disobedience, it makes me feel like an OG American!!!!! I would love to take some dabs with George, Ben, and of course Abe but he gotta let me where the hat 1st hahaha. Sorry, I'm nice and lifted tonight on some Bluedreamatic and feeling it. No, seriously those guys grew hemp and I would bet a pot plant here and there. Girls are nice and sticky starting to look little greasy too. Just gave them both 2gal each and they were dry. I checked last night, this morning, weren't ready. By tonight they were bone dry. Now some bud porn! @Mizzo81 scrog doing nice with little work. I know your not a trainer bud, but this could be something you might be able to do. That canopy starting to look better. I'm think more about those autopots daily lol.



Stay lifted.


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Ya, the LBX is almost up to the TA. Never thought she would get this size. She is getting FROSTY as hell, I mean she is gonna look white in pics. Make some excellent rosin I bet. Gotta press to see, but its irritatingly sticky to touch. I have to use gojo to get off my hands lol. Both smell sweet when smelling hands, but no distinct smell in air kinda just weed'ish.
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Ya, the LBX is almost up to the fab. Never thought she would get this size. She is getting FROSTY as hell, I mean she is gonna look white in pics. Make some excellent rosin I bet. Gotta press to see, but its irritatingly sticky to touch. I have to use gojo to get off my hands lol. Both smell sweet when smelling hands, but no distinct smell in air kinda just weed'ish.
That’s what I expect when this project has been talked about for years. This is one project that Mitch has favored for sure. I think why he didn’t realease the original auto livers he had to perfect it with the bx before official release. This took years and years to make. Super frost and just wait lol the dank stank is coming. Wish I could smoke some with u already.
Day 58


@Gladiators Happy Cinco de Mayo! I dont normally tag everyone, but today is kinda special. 4yrs ago today I became a grower, and couldnt be prouder I did! Ed has it right, cannabis isnt addictive, but growing it is! Things you craft yourself are always more rewarding in the end.

These girls are just flat out sticky. Both are sweet smelling, the LBX has a light skunky funk in the background. This has been a very easy going grow knock wood lol.





I'm very interested to see how they press. Dont smoke flower anymore so its important that they press out well, also I use rosin in my gummies so kinda needed. No reason to think they would press well, they re so frosty and seriously sticky should yield well for sure. Stay lifted.
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