2 weeks
Creme, Sour Stomper, Alien vs Triangle
Crem is still leading the charge, showing her indica dominance. Nice and thick and bushy, 2 weeks and the stem is fatter than a pencil!
A vs T about the same height as Crem, but more spacing between growth. Sativa coming through.
Sour Stomper is the runt of the litter. Weird leaf growth for the first week, now starting to take off. Still quite short compared to the others.
They are all getting transplanted outside today. Temps have been 55F night/75F day or so for the last week, hopefully the cold and storms are done for the season.
I have been cooking the soil in a garbage can with some straw mulch on top for the past month.
Fed the soil twice with a simple AACT consisting of 3 cups compost, 1 cup EWC, 2 oz fish "stuff", 2 oz molasses, and 5 gallons good water.
I put a fish tank heater in the tea bucket after seeing
@Eyes on Fire do the same.
24 hrs of bubbling @ 70-75F, the veggie garden loves it also!