New Grower Mephisto I got squach

So here are the 1gal pics culled 1 plant from each
Here is the other there are 2 1gal and 1 3 gal
Here is a few pics of the squach and a baby hubbasquach x 24carat
The pic before this is only 2 of the 3 2 in 1gal pot and 1 in a 3gal this is the baby i think im gonna call it 24hr squach or squach24
So far so good i am going to put up some pic today or tomaro morn the one in the 3gal streched more than i would like but all my other are stacked close (talking about nodes)
So lil update squach24 is a hubbasquach x 24carat and just getting going
Then we have the 2 hubbasquach in 1gal pots. It is funny ive ran these 4 diff times and every time i get the one thats short and branchy and one that streches all crazy the one in 3 gal has streched also not as bad tho.
So here is the 3gal fabric just move it over to were my mbap just was ive noticed that the samsquach og heavy pheno has very lazy leaves this is the 4th one to do it only had 2 diff pheno types but this one is always droopy i will get pics up of the 1gals they look good
So this is the 2 gal almost done streching she has the perf chrismas tree shape very nice looking i culled others as was looking to pollenate a branch or 2
So i have a Royal Queen Seeds Royal Gorilla that ive revesed some bottom larf via sts, so i pollenated some branches of the hubbasquach. They have very similar growth and bud density so first pic is of the gorilla and last pic is of hubbasquach