I do not soak or use a paper towel.. I place them in a root riot then place the root riot in the forever pot.. 50 squirts with a squirt bottle twice a day and place a clear plastic cup over them and boom they sprout every time.
that used to work for me every time. After no helmets 4 days i gently open the root riot and see a dark rotten tail or a small tail. Gently let the good tails go for a couple more days and nothing. Fail to thrives, but all cracked. Switched to toilet paper 4 sheets of premium with one sheet on top, misted with water, wrapped with a towel and placed on top of my cable box 36 hours later tails into rooter and fail to thrive. I am still waiting on the last three seeds after finding the rotten one. My guess is i am drowning them. I even tried the shot glass, got tails still failed.
I still got a chance for the comp's im participating in.
The girls have just started working on their sun tan...180 watts of citizen cobs



My Diy lights Max output 311W on startup but drops to 303W after it warms up.
I was recently having germ issues with almost all my seeds, regardless of breeder, using this technique. Then I talked to a few "master" growers and was educated on the problem. The "24 hr soak" and "paper towel" method are redundant. It's really one or the other, and not both. When the seed sinks to the bottom durring soak, that means it has absorbed all the water it needs to complete the germ process. Its ready for potting.. No need to soak it in a paper towel afterwards. Its overkill. I picked the 24 hr soak method and cut out the paper towel part. I've been planting shortly after the seeds sink and have had a like 98% germ rate since. Up from like %50. The Mephisto germ guide doesnt use the 24 hr soak.. Its straight to paper towel and highly successful as well. I'm convinced that its best to do one or the other, and not both.

No no no your doing it all wrong... that can't possibly be right because that's not the way I do it [emoji23]

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I was recently having germ issues with almost all my seeds, regardless of breeder, using this technique. Then I talked to a few "master" growers and was educated on the problem. The "24 hr soak" and "paper towel" method are redundant. It's really one or the other, and not both. When the seed sinks to the bottom durring soak, that means it has absorbed all the water it needs to complete the germ process. Its ready for potting.. No need to soak it in a paper towel afterwards. Its overkill. I picked the 24 hr soak method and cut out the paper towel part. I've been planting shortly after the seeds sink and have had a like 98% germ rate since. Up from like %50. The Mephisto germ guide doesnt use the 24 hr soak.. Its straight to paper towel and highly successful as well. I'm convinced that its best to do one or the other, and not both.
I agree with that, either or not both. I go with papertowel and half the time leave them till the casing falls off. Works good