Look what I found in my garden this morning. My MBAP beans have hatched!!!!

And my lab looking all clean and sparkly.
Damn nice Buddy! I am thinking i need a TV and a weed stool! Awesome!
Thanks man. It is my private space, my refuge as it were. Behind the bench are two 4x4 tents and my cloner /drying rack space. Under the bench is my mother/nursery cab 2x4x4, I think you can see the light is on in the picture.
Being a good bit ADHD I keep something on in the background like the TV. Actually it's a PC monitor, fire-stick, and some homemade speakers. I binge watch TV shows, currently NCIS. Nothing you have to pay attention too, stupid TV stuff like that.
I am just delighted my beans have popped. We are on our way now!!
Thanks man. It is my private space, my refuge as it were. Behind the bench are two 4x4 tents and my cloner /drying rack space. Under the bench is my mother/nursery cab 2x4x4, I think you can see the light is on in the picture.
Being a good bit ADHD I keep something on in the background like the TV. Actually it's a PC monitor, fire-stick, and some homemade speakers. I binge watch TV shows, currently NCIS. Nothing you have to pay attention too, stupid TV stuff like that.
I am just delighted my beans have popped. We are on our way now!!
Right on brother, wicked set up. Can't wait to see what you can do.

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
Thanks man. It is my private space, my refuge as it were. Behind the bench are two 4x4 tents and my cloner /drying rack space. Under the bench is my mother/nursery cab 2x4x4, I think you can see the light is on in the picture.
Being a good bit ADHD I keep something on in the background like the TV. Actually it's a PC monitor, fire-stick, and some homemade speakers. I binge watch TV shows, currently NCIS. Nothing you have to pay attention too, stupid TV stuff like that.
I am just delighted my beans have popped. We are on our way now!!
I hear you, the tv is background noise to occupy my juvenile side that needs attention all the time! I laughed because i said to myself the cabinet under his desk would be a great clone.nursery area! Nice and clean keeps em' green
I was hoping no one would notice.
I am breaking all my own rules with this grow!!! New soil, lights, nutrients, pots, germination method... Argh!!!

Now that that's off my chest.

My new line of nutrients is Nectar for the Gods, one of the components is called Zeus Juice. There is a tiny amount of that, perhaps a drop in 250 ml of distilled water. A drop is about 1/10 of a ml. pH'd to 7.0. It is recommended for germination among other things so I used it!

Yow, who is this guy?? I am usually quite conservative in the garden.
I ran my last two with the sample kit from Nectar for the Gods and I am blown away by the results. I didn't take photos and wanted to keep it low key but they are phenomenal, super delicious taste and smoke is outstanding I am a believer in their line-up and will keep it in the arsenal til something better that's organic comes along