Here a test germ of some auto's, the roots are growing one way because of gravity. I germ my seeds in paper towels standing vertically so the roots dont get all tangled. The bean on the left looks like it was confused for a minute.
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Ya I've had them do that sometime, the root will do a loop out the soil then back down lol I guess some are dotards lmao
I'm using compost, promix, lime, organic cal/mag and a couple handfuls of organic ferts. It's that easy
I'm working on a compost pile for next year. Trying to reuse some of the pro-mix I've bought in last 2 years. I'm headed to work now, but I'll get with you on this definitely, and check you out, if you don't mind. I've only dabbled in it some. Definitely seems to be the more efficient way to go, on all levels.
Yes, it really will make a difference. I'm in a legal state and I work in the industry. I get to see hundreds of test results along with samples. We are particular up here and everyone wants to know how it shit was grown. (Pnw is spoiled) [emoji38]

There are people up here changing cannabinoid contents based of when they feed the nutrients. I'm talking a big difference, multiple percentage points not just slightly.

As far terpenes go, you can definitely bet that outside influences will change or alter a terpene profile. Bottle feeding will do it, too much heat, too high of ph, etc. Many factors play a role in terp production. That doesn't even include a proper dry and cure which will most definitely effect the overall outcome of the terpene content.

I have noticed that a "true organically grown" plant will have a better overall effect. Force fed plants lack the kick.

Unfortunately you have already discovered it, it will be the same with the autos, that shit lingers around, even after a solid flush. It seems to be the bone meal that imparts the flavor, which is apart of every feed from what I understand.

One bottle is too many. [emoji106] It is soooooo much easier to mix it all in the soil and just give the ladies water. No mixing whatsoever, that's already been done months ago!:headbang:

After work, I'll be posting up Runty the double grape beast. :d5:
I had no idea it was that efficacious, im definitely going to try it. If you wouldnt mind, would you post a link to what youre doing? Once i was growing a Dark Devil which had the best smell id experienced in a plant, it was like berry pie or some kind of fruit punch. My ro unit broke down and i used tap water (which is terrible here) for about 2 weeks, it totally killed the smell, it changed into this weird redolence of meat. Ive seen other less dramatic changes in odor from changing noots a couple times. I didnt know it could effect the cannabanoids, but that makes sense thinking about it. I have a cinderella jack seed which i want to do something special with, i will save it till i can set up organic and try it.

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Im starting to see how the MBAP is gonna look in its final form, this is one of those plants with a ton of huge monster colas that ive been aspiring to grow someday. Unless i screw it up. Theres plenty of time to do something stupid. Honestly, im being really lax about changing the res, and letting the res concentration get too high, but its working and im wstching for something to go wrong...all the credit goes to Mephisto, its a really fantastic plant.
Also ive been playing the new Legend of Zelda breath of the wild. If any of u guys are gamers, you need to play this. It would be totally worth grabbing a used wii u, theyre like 70 bucks. It may be the best game ive ever played, and im extremely picky about games, i usually get bored after 20 minutes 95% of the time. But this is enthralling, the world is beautiful and detailed and alive, someone mapped it at 360 sq km, you can go anywhere. You can also interact with the objects in the world, i accidenally swung an ax and found out you can chop down trees. You can also climb anything, and can use physics to solve puzzles and problems. I rolled a rock down a hill into some enemies to kill them. Theres also a stealth system. I went toward this huge monster skull, and found 3 goblins dancing around a fire inside, protecting a chest. One of the goblins is stronger than the others, i died a couple times. Then i noticed theres a lantern hamgimg from the ceiling above a cache of explosives theyre hoarding. I snuck up into the skulls eye socket, and shot the rope the lantern hung from, and blew the explosives. The boss survived, but was knocked down and dropped his weapon, which was a huge club with a bunch of tusks strapped to it...i ran in and grabbed it while he was getting up, and finally managed to defeat him, he still put up quite a fight unarmed though.there were 5 exploding arrows in the chest, it was a very satisfying encounter. Im like 2 hours in, the world is full of things like that and theres secrets and puzzles to explore everywhere.
Ill stop going on about it lol but if you like games you pretty much need to play this hahaha...ok heres one of my many daily update pics

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Yeppers, these MBAPs are just nucking futs man! Mines gonna hit five foot tall soon. I am getting concerned as to how I am going to hold her all together!
Yeppers, these MBAPs are just nucking futs man! Mines gonna hit five foot tall soon. I am getting concerned as to how I am going to hold her all together!
Yeah man, you might wanna try a tomato cage, its working great for me, it looks like thr buds will be very heavy and need support

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