ChemDogging - Mephisto , plants 1 & 2. 1 is bigger than 2. 2 will catch up.

feeding soil/perlite with some watered down hydro nutrients. under a 400w hps vert bare lamp.

Smoked up on some Ripleys OG today, holy fuck it was good shit.
Knocks me around , believe me , no one would think it was soil grown autoflower.
They would think its full hydro photoperiod !
These ChemDogging are gunna be very similar I believe.

Let the games continue.

Hope you guys realise I posted in the 1st to 7th of September for the competition.
I don't expect to win but I do have a camera and a permanent setup to complete the comp.
So let the best plants gardener win !

word @ Mephisto Breeders for their good work.
I swear the Ripleys OG Im smoking hasnt been cured or nuffin, its really jsut knockout gear.
Thanks again Mephisto !


I had a chemdoggin already started about a week before the 1st of September, with the deadline for everyone being the 7th. I was granted a blessing by @Mossy to still join in...

Oh cool, no worries. Was just confused. Looking good!

@Ripper and me are looking at the problems we've had this season on [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] and we are drafting a new set of Rules to cover soon as we have them settled we will add them to the section.

2018 there will be a 2 week germination window pre battle..but no germs accepted after the battle start date..:amazon:
Day 11


Looks like they too the feeding quite nicely. In fact I think it looks like they loved it. Yeah baby, NFTG for teh win.
You got me wanting to run nectar as well heck even if they don't become monsters the quality of smoke will be out of this world terps for days [emoji41][emoji41] now to get some [HASHTAG]#8[/HASHTAG] nectar soil in before time to transplant

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Since the antennas and the satelites are searching 24/7 for more signals the Auto-Warriors decided to search for more heroes on the earth.

To prepare for their intense search, they started to meditate

While meditating in their Zencloud, a massive lightning hit the cloud and a thunder shattered the LED market.




Friday 15th of September

BST: 9 pm | CET: 10 pm | EDT: 4 pm | PDT: 1 pm

Brought to you by

this will be my weekly update post even though these girls are day 8 now, others are on day 5 and i've posted enough pics already i think lol.

also heres the link to my journal data log spreadsheet for anyone who wants to follow along (starts day 8, today)

will also start my own journal tonight probably since i have 5 of these girls so we can see how they go.

i've decided on names for them, wonder if you can pick the theme? lol

Presenting His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes
(Double Grape NUMERO UNO)

next up we have our Last Line of Defense
Wee Mad Arthur
(White Train)

followed by, of unknown breeding, Goodboy Bindle Featherstone of Quirm. Or as he is affectionately known as:
(prob a double grape)

who could forget, "the magical equivalent to the number zero"
Rincewind the "wizard"
(im hoping he can use his magic and turn this into an auto blues purple pheno, but prob a double grape)

and last but not least, watching over and recording the history of our garden of goodness and wishing nothing but zen upon them all
The History Monks
(auto blue purple pheno or double grape)

(the 3 i have no clue what they are any more since i planted 2 seeds each pot, prob double grape and a auto blue hopefully.
most likely looking like the whitecrack will be my pick if it keeps up this nice structure)

hope you enjoyed my little story time adventure lol :pass: i'll be back next week with another update

That's one awesome spreadsheet man. Very impressive set of data points. I just didn't see where you record the phase of the moon, sunrise & sunset, and the low & high tide marks. LOL.
That's one awesome spreadsheet man. Very impressive set of data points. I just didn't see where you record the phase of the moon, sunrise & sunset, and the low & high tide marks. LOL.
lol damn i knew i forgot something! :crying:

ideally i'd love to automate all this though if i could create a custom arduino data logger with a bunch of sensors for everything, it could be pretty handy, setup on a webserver could easily check my stats from work live :)

thats the goal anyway at some point, im a bit OCD for data lol