Mephisto Genetics Mephisto grow off comp?

Who's going to set this up? I am already sprouted!

Somebody on one of the first pages that is a mod said they were going to do it. But I am with you, lets go ahead and set it up, amateur style with our own thread maybe and then that may spark some official action to get it as a sanctioned pro battled.
Somebody on one of the first pages that is a mod said they were going to do it. But I am with you, lets go ahead and set it up, amateur style with our own thread maybe and then that may spark some official action to get it as a sanctioned pro battled.
Ok bro I'm down, start the thread and I will join in.
Ok bro I'm down, start the thread and I will join in.

Here is what I am thinkin, let me know what you think.


Ok folks here we go, since it seems that everyone wants to do a grow off comp of some sort I have noticed that virtually everyone has gotten MBAP(which is what everyone wanted for the most part, because we already have the auto livers kinda with the sour livers) and dropped them first lol. Kind of like the double grapes from the last illuminauto drop. There was a comp for those, so it only seems natural that the MBAP is the next one up.

Here are the rules:

Strain: MBAP
Medium: your choice
Participants: Must have 50 posts, be older than 6 months on AFN or have more than 1000 rep points, there will be no limit to the amount of participants as long as you meet all the requirements.
latest start date: 05-20-17(two weeks from today for those that haven't gotten there seeds)
End Date:7-31-17(if your plant is not done by then there will be a 5 day grace period if all participants agree your plant will finish in time)
Judging Day:8-10-17
Judging: BOM style with a poll(or a panel of selected judges TBD)
Prize:TBD(there may not be one but we will see)

This will for the most part be a friendly grow off battle. A lot of us have already gotten our beans(sorry @archie gemmill lol but I bet the MBAP's will be there in a few hours) and dropped them. So as soon as anyone wants start posting pictures and lets get this thing kicked off!
New thread or right here?